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How Can We Make Our Minds Unhackable?

There are many other parts to critical thinking and other parts of the mind to secure other than the points listed below, so let's make this into a discussion that can help make human life healthier and help save life. This is in the interest of the creator of the human species, whether that's an intelligent being or our galaxy that gave birth to our star.

(1) Mental Definitions: What if our mental definitions, that we use to interpret everything, are not built on a solid foundation? Can a hacker use ambiguous underlying definitions to alter how we interpret everything in reality around us? How about we do some work to make a validation system for our definitions? We can use it to check if anyone has altered or corrupted any definitions in our mind. Now that's power!

(2) Emotions: A mind controller would use a person for their own desires. They would have the person do horrible acts by influencing their emotions. They can make a person desire to do things for the mind controller while blinding the person of the consequences of acting on that emotion. With each emotion, think about what the effect the emotion would be on life and environment, including your life and others lives. When emotions are damaging to life, they are corrupt emotions and we should reject acting on them. We need to work on better emotional awareness and check the effect or consequences our emotions have on our life and others.

(3) Experiences: Any experience where we are under some authority that uses corrupt conditioning practices can cause emotions, reasoning, and mental definitions to change in our head. We need to watch out for this by looking at what authority figures demand of us. Do not follow corrupt political authorities and corrupt religious authorities. It is better for the body to die than for the mind to become corrupt. (Sometimes it takes being crucified to get out of corrupt political and corrupt religious authorities)

(4) Reasoning: A mind controller doesn’t want a person’s reasoning to be in the best interest of the person they control or in the best interest of other people that the mind controller wants to attack through the person they control. This would get in the way of a mind controller using people and doing as he pleases with their life. We need to create a system to validate our reasoning, one that prevents a mind controller from doing things that are unhealthy for us and other people in society.

(5) Thinking: A mind controller does not want a person to have critical thinking. It gets in the way of a mind controller getting what he wants from peoples’ lives. Evaluation is really important part of critical thinking that helps keep mind controllers from using you. Mind controllers want you to evaluate everything based on what they want, not on actual values. We need to build a system that practices ordering values in society based on health, skill, and quality and use it as a basis to validate our evaluations.

I say:

The question is: Once it is a Satan system that wants to mind control our lives with this called Umbrella of total electrons which connects total brains, data in & out, mixer that mix many brains to one or to many as well & much of viruses, madness, whispers, blab la from many surrounded people! How it suppose to work. The entire system is wasting everything. Satellites hacks, brains hacks & along with media harassments! People harassments! & a secrete weapon above the head & entire body playing with sensitive area's!  This what I'm going through in Jordan & from Jordan since a long time back & up to now. NASA Package: Rain brain scan, dynamic eyes & tele- transport. People brains also doing this to me!  Doing what to a human soul?  All are guilty. In what law, in who's law they are doing this to me?

SATAN so strong. I call them Apes & Satanic. What God or Peace while they are killing the good believers of God & Peace! This type of administration are SATAN creating hell. Their business is creating endless war & war of extermination. Killing everything.

How Can We Make Our Minds Unhackable?

Would it help? Should we learn to help each another's while SATAN is in control acting God & many people around acting God as well! This what Jordan is. They do not care for us or about us.

What system to defeat Satan system (Full of viruses) is God system without weapon! God is still in control of our galaxy & not of Satan virus! Satan so big & so strong.

Memories remain. Shame, shame & shame. In each & every country, civilians from other countries are living same as Face Book along with circle of brain connections! Many are corrupted brains! Destination unknown! Are all countries having this type of virus? And since when? This is the problem.

As if life controlled by Satan & not God! What a challenge that still going on!

The best is to stick with the advice. That is: Ignorance of shit going on & go on with your life's once life still going on. ADVICE FOR VICTIMS. Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before. And what God says at this time? Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before. Any more questions? Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before. To whom it may concern:


God can see everything & witnessing everything.

My Peace mission is accomplished. Back to normal life. 

The picture speaks about it self! Truth is facts & logic.

God is the truth.

Is a human soul for free? Brain sharing & connections?

A person who thinks God & Peace yet to be under attack as how been?

A person who thinks like above mentioned yet to be raped as how been?

A person like that yet to be under punishment & torturing?

A person like that yet to be under investigation & questioning?

A person like that yet own time to go on waste & yet to be under hacking?

A person like that yet not to live own life, own thinking & own conscious?

A person like that not to be free from all above mentioned & not to feel at home or at own body or not in peace & always in tensions?

A person like that to keep on advising all to understand what God & peace & yet to be trapped by Satan virus that has many faces (Each person from population has many faces. Each has dark & bright sides in own brain.)?

Are total harassments over one person for free? Or a revenge?

(Satan Angry on God) as how it is since beginning. Haters & wasters are many.

What a waste caused by Satan Virus. God hates wastage. They are making it as if the only solution is money to solve such problem! What a Satan virus.

Welcome to Jordan

Of much of Apes & Satanic works. Good Humans are also there.

Are the good ones suffering? Patience is wise. Good or bad in this connections means all cheaters. Acting reacting! Wastage.

Welcome to World wide Nations.

Now I would like to write about some very essential subject that surely helps nations.

What is the meaning of condom? For what? Helps in what?

What is the meaning of pregnancy tablets? For what? Helps in what?

What is the meaning of control of population & hygienic?

What is the meaning of a woman (her inner feelings & thinking) & what is the meaning of a man (his inner feelings & thinking) about each others? Why this type of connection? For business? For love? To cover something needed as sexual feelings & out of what it happens? For serves? For mutual feelings of needing it? For something missing? For some relief from much of life pressure? To free some anger, sadness, some extra inner powers reserved & for some pleasure or lets make more population!

Are we humans? Then there has to be a limit for it. Satisfactions mean what?

Being alone is a disaster to the lonely person. Suffers a lot. No one wants to be lonely. But I been forced to be lonely to suffer from SATAN work.

Do I need more of wastage to my life from apes & satanic work?

How do I feel? In jail with so much pain everyday & since a long time back from this shit going on. That’s why I call them apes & Satanic works.

All the above questions answered it self. Very simple!

What is the meaning of existing generations & generations a head?

Now a days children having much of fun of seeing blue sex clips over internet. They know what it means. They are learning with pleasure. At our time we missed this pleasure & now we are having this pleasure as well & trying to explain of what stability in life is.

Each family to care for own children & to control them all.

We do not need rabbits & much of them that can not be controlled.

Get lost brains of hunger. (SATAN VIRUSES) Who created them? Satan own self did create them to keep on wasting God & Peace.

The question is: Who is with Satan & who is with God?

Each human conscious to decide. We also were children. Things changes from time to time & there are no such a thing called time machine. Time machine Satan still wanting to prevent on us all. That is impossible. & if it is possible! Then there won't be any God. With this we defeat Satan & for ever. Let's live with God & Peace.

A human in life goes into so much. Even though life for each one of us is so short! Not even a million hours & 1/3 of it sleeping. What a life journey!

Let's live with God & Peace. Why WAR? Why not PEACE always?

After all, life is a believe. A human self respect is a National Security.

What we are living for? Satan always a hater. Face it people. What is the meaning of the big law? What God says at this time? What SATAN excuse?


What are we seeking in life? Good well is the aim & life to go on with. Good business is with God & Peace. Humans to understand. End of talk. After all it is an advise.

Those who creates bla bla bla are haters, wasters & guilty even for tomorrow.

Apes & Satan souls are those who creates such Corruptions. Import export business wonderful business for life to go on. But not through brains or a lonely brain. That hurts & hertz. Stop enforcing me to them & them to me. What a waste. Yes electro magnetic field radiation? Creating what? Creating SATAN. Umbrella of electrons connecting total mixer of brains with consciouses & creating viruses screwing total life & destiny. Who is under attack? This is called Danger to everything that has an existence. Life is in danger.

I just felt the spark! SATAN wants to be God! This means (Welcome to Jordan). Location block from a mobile &

Plus satellite from above to play with media & natural voices yet to be mixed with their shit & downloadable clips to be played with! Viruses, viruses, viruses.

All are infected by viruses. The question is: Why they are doing this & what they are seeking? They are SATAN. Satan want to kill GOD. It is between good & bad. They are creating this type of war & wasting life time. Jordan of what? Allowing this for what? All guilty. Big mafia business means what & what for? Killing all type of all business. World trade center under attack & humans to suffer from SATAN work. 911 is in history. History remains because they like it in this way! No peace brain! No peace mind! And NASA package in brains! The question is: When this type of war going to stop? What endless war! Shame on you all. Sept 11th still going on! History still going on! Satan work still active. This type of business for a life time? War of extermination might start to many nations.

This is playing with danger. Total danger creating destination unknown to all.

Satan & own work grown so much big.


The truth just been said.

The question is: Should we be united with SATAN or with GOD?

Yes Arabs! God or Satan? This umbrella for war or for peace? Live people! What is wrong with your brains! Still shouting in the streets! Shame on you all. Creating what? I'm only advising! Why they are angry? Haters as Satan. God is the best judge. What a corrupted world! Life going on & we to go on with. What else can we do?

It is wastage to all. All of it nonsense. Satan goes to hell. Because belonging to since beginning. Case is closed & since beginning. Apes & Satanic creating mental problems & enforcing to it! I call them shit. What case are they creating out of them selves for the world wide to look at?

The picture speaks about it self!

There is no case. What a waste from apes & satanic works side. They go to hell.

Can history be fake or to go on wastage? No one can do. History remains. God remains. This business of Satan is over. All to understand it.

What God says at this time? & the advice are for life to go on with. Life constitution & God's law of creation for all nations.

My Peace Mission is accomplished.

After all we say lets build a stronger diplomatic relation ships with God, Peace & a good well.

This Danger has to have an end. Once for all. Do I need intruders (Shit Brains & origins) to fuck with me? Do we need a jungle life to live with? Sky nets are the virus. I still feels shit silly brains from Jordan Amman still acting God's. Some from 911 & from this 911 there are good & bad. After all, are shit virus. What a big mafia.

Recently I found some one called Ahmad a Jordanian writer over Yahoo advertising site along with Jordan updates issuing a book named USA Accusing Saudi Arabia for the Sept 11th! That makes me to feel so shity. Still he wants to fake own people! Let him to face Saudi Arabia then. Well! It was written in the encyclopedia since a long time years before! Now he's coming out with! He is an Ape as many are in Jordan. History still running dear & might record the updates. History did not stop & can't be stopped once life still going on.

What a writer. People are rushing to write what ever they like! The question is: What are they teaching as if there is no encyclopedia that covers world wide history? Is it faire to mankind? Nations? The case still running & there are still discussions about it! Because Satan still active! Brains still connected! The question is such Yahoo advertising main site of Jordan has a history that yet to be recalled of what they are uploading? Other than that there is of what I'm going through of brain connections. What this sesame of Jordan is for? What! This Sept 11th for a life time to remain!

Ending it, opening it & so on open, close! Open, close! For ever! And people not knowing! Is it over or it is not! For ever in this way! Other than that still there are intruders & hackers! Could this writer be one of them? Spying Satellites also there! Let all to guess it! I hate politics. Damn. I spoke about it because it is wrong. History still going on as how life going on. No excuses. No more troubles please. There is lot of mistakes & misunderstanding in life. Be hold, God hates wastage. There is a way out for all to end this subject. Ending it, opening it & so on open, close! Open, close! For ever! What is going on? Apes & Satanic works still wanting to have fun.

God hates wastage. Yes lol ;-) I'm so much & over dosed with Satan Virus For what? Maybe I should give some Satan virus dose to them back to them. If they wish me danger! Then I give their danger back to them (Apes & Satanic's). Are they forced to or in making such doses? Shame to remain. Just imagine, they are playing with Satan Virus. Or they are infected by Satan Virus!

The question is: Are they good for anything? Let them ask them selves! Once they have conscious! & understandings. God always there for who wants God. Satan also there for those who wants Satan. God & Satan in a mixer in each brain! Yes since born. No I want to say: why brains with their both God & Satan are connected? Who made it in this way? Satan Virus spreading & effecting all brains. No wonder I'm suffering then! Rejecting all of it. Nice walking dead movie. Back to normal life then.

So! Sick Nation needs medication. Oh, no wonder why there is chem.-trail. Now we understand. We have to have patience then once all acting God's! SATAN virus is so much danger to all nations. Nerve system under attack! For how long?

God is the only way out from Satan Virus. Who believes in God is free for ever.

What God say's at this time? That is the law of everything & anything.

Waoo, What a life journey! What a time waste. They want to make a movie! They want to make a business! What was that? They broad casting shit for all to live with! From mouths, media & total wastage of their own way for livings! Cheaters still cheating. All based on lies. And most living in it. Welcome to Jordan. What a big show!

So! Sick Nation needs medication. What about the future for their children? Are they caring?

So a human soul & brain belongs to it's own body. It is God's wish & not Satan's wish. That also is an advise. Or total kingdom is fake & faking all. If it is a jungle life, then give weapons to all! To start to kill each others. As if No God & no Peace!

My Peace Mission is telling the truth & advice for God & Peace to remain for nations!

At 1st there was God not Satan.

Yes United Nations!

Good luck & God Bless to those who understand & back to normal life.

Monday, October 10, 2016

God always the control. Supposed! What me can do! Bye for now & God bless.