Any more Questions? (Teaching essential questions)
Study by your own & teach!
What is the meaning of God?
What is the meaning of Truth?
What is the meaning of religions?
What is the meaning of Satan?
What is the meaning of God's law of creation?
What is the meaning of life constitution?
What is the meaning of heaven?
What is the meaning of hell?
What is the meaning of praising God?
What is the meaning of human?
What is the meaning of human rights?
What is the meaning of human body?
What is the meaning of a human brain?
What is the meaning of human nerve system?
What is the meaning of human conscious?
What is the meaning of a human soul?
What is the meaning of human feelings?
What is the meaning of taste?
What is the meaning of caring?
What is the meaning of love?
What is the meaning of hate?
What is the meaning of joy?
What is the meaning of hurt?
What is the meaning of pain?
What is the meaning of hungry?
What is the meaning of disability?
What is the meaning of thinking?
What is the meaning of good or bad?
What is the meaning of imagining?
What is the meaning of dreaming?
What is the meaning of memories?
What is the meaning of understanding?
What is the meaning of forgiving?
What is the meaning of believe?
What is the meaning of cheating & pretending?
What is the meaning of guilt?
What is the meaning of shame?
What is the meaning of wanting & seeking?
What is the meaning of satisfaction?
What is the meaning of a human life journey?
What is the meaning of being alone?
What is the meaning of a wife?
What is the meaning of a husband?
What is the meaning of a mother?
What is the meaning of a father?
What is the meaning of a brother?
What is the meaning of a sister?
What is the meaning of a child?
What is the meaning of a family?
What is the meaning of a family tree?
What is the meaning of relatives?
What is the meaning of friends?
What is the meaning of relationships?
What is the meaning of dignity?
What is the meaning of desire?
What is the meaning of romance?
What is the meaning of sure & not sure about?
What is the meaning of a human nature?
What is the meaning of a doctor?
What is the meaning of a holly people?
What is the meaning of heal the world foundation?
What is the meaning of humanity?
What is the meaning of a hero?
What is the meaning of a movie?
What is the meaning of a game?
What is the meaning of a song?
What is the meaning of an art?
What is the meaning of internet?
What is the meaning of satellites?
What is the meaning of knowledge?
What is the meaning of encyclopedia?
What is the meaning of a virus?
What is the meaning of DANGER?
What is the meaning of the past?
What is the meaning of the present?
What is the meaning of the future?
What is the meaning of time?
What is the meaning of studying?
What is the meaning of new experiments?
What is the meaning of new inventions?
What is the meaning of import export business?
What is the meaning of money & currencies?
What is the meaning of society & community?
What is the meaning of a country?
What is the meaning of King, Queen or President?
What is the meaning of administration?
What is the meaning of an army?
What is the meaning of police?
What is the meaning of a judge?
What is the meaning of a lawyer or advocate?
What is the meaning of decision taking?
What is the meaning of a jail?
What is the meaning of prisoner?
What is the meaning of punishment?
What is the meaning of elections?
What is the meaning of serving?
What is the meaning of a budget?
What is the meaning of law?
What is the meaning of traditions?
What is the meaning of flags?
What is the meaning of politics?
What is the meaning of agreements?
What is the meaning of disagreements?
What is the meaning of news?
What is the meaning of Home land security?
What is the meaning of National security?
What is the meaning of United Nations?
What is the meaning of stability of life?
What is the meaning of population?
What is the meaning of business?
What is the meaning of wisdom?
What is the meaning of updating?
What is the meaning of control?
What is the meaning of Peace?
What is the meaning of War?
What is the meaning of history?
What is the meaning of our Planet?
What is the meaning of nature?
What is the meaning of living beings?
What is the meaning of our Galaxy?
What is the meaning of U.F.O?
What is the meaning of Aliens?
What is the meaning of Universe?
What is the meaning of NASA?
What is the meaning of discoveries?
What is the meaning of the above questions?
What is the meaning of everything?
What is the meaning of creation?
What is the meaning of existence?
What is the meaning of life?
What is the meaning of nothing?
What is the meaning of you or us?
Who you are & what you are?
Why we are here? That’s why we are here!
Stop wondering & wasting time. That goes for all.
Congratulation J You just answered everything. Still many questions can be added! Such as:
What is the meaning of legend?
What is the meaning of limit?
What is the meaning of upgrade?
What is the meaning of death?
What is the meaning of a chance?
What is the meaning of an advice?
Can you cover more questions? Please do!
Other than WHAT? There is Why? When? How? Who? J
Ask & get the answers by living with brain connections & sharing. (Not advisable). All the above mentioned questions are under attack by the umbrella. How to live then? With the advice.
Live as normal a life as possible; work, play, socialize, pray. By doing this you partially thwart their monstrous remote control experiments.
Maintain the rage; continue to speak out and write about their crimes especially the hellish mistreatment they force people to endure. By doing this you defeat their attempts to silence and discredit you.
Speak only to honest, intelligent, courageous people about your own situation; to avoid frustration. Cope and survive.
This is the big issue about everything!
God & Peace.
The bright side of life & a human brain.
What would you do to a new born baby child?
And what God says at this time?
Please update of what ever comes to the mind & keep it open:
Later adjust questions to its categories.
What is the meaning of luck?
What is the meaning of destiny?
What is the meaning of faith?
What is the meaning of a hope?
What is the meaning of hopeless?
What is the meaning of help & support?
What is the meaning of belonging to?
What is the meaning of a holly place?
What is the meaning of glory?
What is the meaning of slave?
What is the meaning of a refugee?
What is the meaning of sickness?
What is the meaning of insane?
What is the meaning of freedom?
What is the meaning of a mission?
What is the meaning of possible?
What is the meaning of impossible?
What is the meaning of a lie?
What is the meaning of rape?
What is the meaning of a behavior?
What is the meaning of predicting?
What is the meaning of acting reacting?
What is the meaning of guessing?
What is the meaning of focus?
What is the meaning of concentrate?
What is the meaning of ignorance?
What is the meaning of prove?
What is the meaning of honest?
What is the meaning of anger?
What is the meaning of shout?
What is the meaning of laugh?
What is the meaning of cry?
What is the meaning of self control?
What is the meaning of self respect?
What is the meaning of discipline?
What is the meaning of survival?
What is the meaning of fashion?
What is the meaning of beauty?
What is the meaning of fun?
What is the meaning of what you see?
What is the meaning of what you hear?
What is the meaning of abuse?
What is the meaning of insult?
What is the meaning of using?
What is the meaning of sharing & sparing?
What is the meaning of mixing?
What is the meaning of a roomer?
What is the meaning of torture?
What is the meaning of a victim?
What is the meaning of Arabs & non Arabs?
What is the meaning of a zoo?
What is the meaning of a jungle life?
What is the meaning of unknown?
What is the meaning of patience?
What is the meaning of start & end?
What is the meaning of under attack?
What is the meaning of technology?
What is the meaning of electro magnetic radiation field?
What is the meaning of global electronic harassments?
What is the meaning of umbrella of electrons?
What is the meaning of nuclear station?
What is the meaning of electronic war?
What is the meaning of cold war?
What is the meaning of weapon?
What is the meaning of mafia?
What is the meaning of terror activities?
What is the meaning of extermination?
What is the meaning of suicide?
What is the meaning of fight?
What is the meaning of killing?
What is the meaning of Murderers, killers, demons & Zionists.
What is the meaning of what ever & for how long?
What is the meaning of Satan work still going on?
What is the meaning of fake life still going on?
What is the meaning of Apes (of mankind acting as) acting Gods (Acting reacting) & Satanic net works (Voodoo from the sky) acting Gods (Acting reacting)? From time to time or at all times!
Once all are Gods! No need for anything or for everything! They are faking God even! But we are still alive & life going on! We go on with! Welcome to Jordan.
What is the meaning of wastage?
End of talk.
What the real God says at this time?
Please Update
What is the meaning of intruder?
What is the meaning of a spy?
What is the meaning of a hacker?
What is the meaning of Fact?
What is the meaning of Logic?
What is the meaning of Curiosity?
What is the meaning of Teacher?
What is the meaning of Student?
What is the meaning of Old?
What is the meaning of Young?
What is the meaning of liberty?
What is the meaning of zigzag way?
What is the meaning of straight way?
What is the meaning of God of Gods?
What is the meaning of God's of God?
What is the meaning of all for one & one for all?
What is the meaning of God with God's of Satan & Satanic?
What is the meaning of Satan with Satanic of God or God's?
What is the meaning of corruption?
What is the meaning of worry?
What is the meaning of always intension virus?
What is the meaning of questions that gives an answer?
What is the meaning of the meaning?
All God's! All in a circle of skulls with brains having wings to share the doubt of God! All God's! God is Angry. Shame on you all.
Destination unknown & who is controlling?
What God yet to say?
By: learn to teach & teach to learn.