The problem is: In
Many people along with their brains & their way in life are as follows:
Most seeks this nonsense & wastage of their own brain analysis to what most are going through. They are infected with Ape & Satan virus along with
They keeps on teasing & speaking about nonsense subjects as if it is the main big subject & they forgetting them selves of what they are doing! They look into small issue & forgot the big one!
Their assholes below their noses & their rare real assholes speak. Means they are shit & wasting life time by bringing much people to their tensions! They are Apes & Satanic. Other than that, those sparks that approaches to me when ever I think about this nation are also from Satan work. What a slave to their shit!
What a nation!
King of what? Queen of what? Governors of what? Families of what?
All are witnesses of everything going on! Kingdom of lies & self cheating lasted for many years in the same definition! They got used to their own way of wastage! They keep on farting all times! They look in to small issue & forgot about the big one! As if all for one & one for all! All brains in each others assholes. What a mixer! And acting God's over one person as I am! What a nation! As I said: Apes & Satanic works & net works. What an administration! Assuming they are terminating terror activities while they all are doing the terror activities! What a kingdom! Cheating everything! Other than souls plying with! What left for a human to live for? Demons they are. What a rat race! What a virus!
What Muslims & Christians (God's) (Good & Bad) of
The question is: Who is creating this type of a virus? Anything holly left in them or in their home land? Always intension virus! And for how long?
God is angry. All are guilty.
Now concerning the world trade center! There are trade sites such as Ali Baba & it is a world import export business. Those sites can also be attacked by viruses as many sites been under attack by: Hackers, intruders, viruses & electron strokes & strikes. They don't stop! Everything is in danger!
Such electron harassments might also create data loss to many sites as well to many human brains & to total families! What an electron war corrupting everything!
Time machine is in their assholes & they are corrupting off line media by focusing over location to mix with sounds, voices plus they are playing with mankind visions while many brains in a mixer! They also are mixing voices through birds, animals & human talk & inner brains to create madness in the air! Slaves & tools! Still they are active over many brains in skulls, locations & trying to trap all. I call them assassins, murderers & demons acting God's.
Many Apes also still acting as those ones!
A human self respect is a national security. God to help.
Administration of SATAN work, still active as their nation of apes! Welcome to this kingdom jungle life of
Life constitution is under attack. What a history of
What a business! Serving what? All brains in each other assholes.
God is angry. All are guilty. What about UNITED NATIONS now!
Jordan, UAE, Kuwait & P.L.O administration are really as mentioned above & still acting God's. What about
I only said Jordan 1st! Printed logs started to grow! I said Jordan 1st for God & Peace! For them all to understand! Years passed & things not as I said! Still much needs a brain wash. Damn. What did I gain? Songs, acting reacting! Lecturing population & me to suffer for all! One for all & all for one! Is that fair to you all? All God's means all shit & wastage under this umbrella of what? Knock off this total party.
Stop this war & the coming one. God & Peace is better for all.
Memories remain. Shame, shame & shame. In each & every country, civilians from other countries are living same as Face Book along with circle of brain connections! Many are corrupted brains! Destination unknown! Are all countries having this type of virus? And since when? This is the problem.
As if life controlled by Satan & not God! What a challenge that still going on!
What is this kingdom? All God's! I just got up from my nap! I felt this micro oven rays! Shame on those who does this to me. Other than this type of a mentally ill person near by creating me insults as if he's the Judge or God! Speaking in a loud voice for others to hear! He is a Muslim! I saw him praying in his open area from my windows. The question is: Is his prayer to God or just a waste? He's another example of many like him.
Many just like him in
As if no mental hospitals in
The question is: Would the educational certificates of
Who brought me to their brains? All are guilty & most are pre Muslims. Their time machine in their assholes. Can they cover them selves with their lies along with their up normal virus creating to all?
This site creating this type of field of electron magnetic field radiation & hurting all. Other than shit secret weapon by a satellite to create more punishment by waves & rays. Other than that media still fucking around.
Who attacked
What! They want to adjust their economical situation by a one tortured soul as mine! Is
United Nation total 30 human right been also faked & under attack! Once wasting! You all will be wasted. No where to go no where to hide.
Law of God just said that. Maybe they do not know what is the meaning of United Nations!
What God to say at this time? Maybe they do not know what is the meaning of God!
Do not forget about United Nations. Face it. This is the truth.
The best is to stick with the advice. That is: Ignorance of shit going on & go on with your life's once life still going on. ADVICE FOR VICTIMS. Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before. And what God says at this time? Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before. Any more questions? Seek for it. I did mention it to you all before.

The picture speaks about it self!
I spoke much about what God say's at this time.
Now what Satan speaks at this time?
Satan speaks at this time:
Good people who believes in God & in Peace
ruing our business & wasting our viruses.
In the Arab world I can see so much rabbits. Each female has much of children! Young they are! She walks & they to follow. As if a football team walking with her.
They do not use condoms plus they love sex. Most fathers & mothers says God will raise them. They believe in God. They forgot about social life, community, country & budget. Most are seeking what now? Money & stability in life!
There has to be some law to control the population. For an example:
The question is: Are all belonging to own fathers & mothers? God knows better.
Once most are complaining about money this type of a question remains a question. It is a big issue! Any more questions? At least we say we all are humans.
God to help us all.
Pimps & Whores trying to do a good business.
What if I say they like to rape a human brain & soul even! Out of hunger!
God is angry.
What amasses me is: What ever comes to my mind as if they analyze in some radio channel which mosques are broad casting through their big speakers to their nation! Lecturing own people by my soul! What a school! And later to broad cast the prayer time for Muslims to go to pray!
Good job
Now concerning this assumed to be called Taxes & customs. Is there real good law to control the exact figures?
How many been zigzag way on this type of a law?
How many ways to zigzag way on this type of a law?
This budget of customs & taxes belong to who?
Is there a control to control the entire business?
Is this budget increasing or decreasing?
Is it going on well?
Analyzers are there for it.
It is one of the major law of a county.
This type of internal law has to be under so much control.
Business is there! And if it is running well, means the budget doing well.
This budget supposed to remain in increasing in a way called fair & just. Any suspect about its figure means there is something wrong going on.
Influences & understandings also there.
The below helps to understand of what is going on:
Here in
Some sells with invoices & some don't!
Some gives an offer to sell more in a cheaper price.
Some increases the interest (Profit) & some decreases!
Some advertise sales % at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 even!
I see 70% by my own eyes as many did in this area where I'm living.
This means what? God knows!
Arab law has no custom if they import from Arab world.
Some countries in the Arab world don't pay Customs nor taxes as the
Some Arab countries living rich & some living poor in accordance to their home land law. The question is: Is this good or bad?
Now once they are acting God's over me! They are learning.
One thing also there: In this holly RAMADAN holly month most increases the selling rate! Why is that? Why they do not keep the same price once there is good number of purchasers & consumers in EAD that comes after Ramadan.?
This type of a budget is very much essential to a country as many other budgets! Those who makes good business has to make to their home land a good business. What is the problem? The good well is the aim. Human self respect is a national security. Many Apes & Satanic works are corrupting the system of control!
This is a big issue! In
This bla bla bla taking us all to where? To wastage. God hate wastage.
This is an advise to all nations. Simple it is. Import export business concerning all nations! World wide business it is. Factories also investigating about their products & asking how is the sale. They also concerned in the price. Help to be helped! Why? Because they want to reduce or to increase the producing after studying! Or how the business to go on! Do we need Apes & Satanic work to waste our time?
New inventions are there for this type of a business.
We are connected in one planet called Earth for business & survivals. Should we kill everything? God hate wastage. Is it a human nature to destroy them selves?
We stick with the bright side of life as how we supposed to stick with the bright side of our brains. This is how I see things & believes in once they brought me to their subjects! I say God & Peace always to all. Should I be a shamed for being a human? Can I seek my own destiny now? I need a release from all. My life gone on waste & there is nothing for free. My price I just said it. Release me from this jungle life. What God says at this time? Who is bad?
What Satan says at this time? Who is good?
Business is good with God & Peace. God to bless this type of business.
Each to face own conscious! I hate traps & had enough from. No more misunderstanding me please. Those who creates jungle life to me & to others, their insults in their mothers & fathers assholes.
What is their business with me? God hates them.
Yes United Nations! Are we united?
End of talk.
To whom it may concern:
God can see everything & witnessing everything.
My Peace mission is accomplished. Back to normal life.
God always the control. Supposed! What me can do! Bye for now & God bless.