GOD is the truth.
Who has such program? That helps a lot & its worth.
God Bless Our Planet.
Here once we did do our best to insure peace & the exact meaning of it to the world wide in very tiny definition: God is Peace, Peace is God, God & peace is freedom in all societies & countries, that serves total living of humans on planet earth & its total system of control & the existence of everything in our planet.
Without a believe of above mentioned there will be a dark side to take a place. My peace mission is accomplished. History remains with records & events to each one of us once we write our story. Could be one individual or a group or family or country or global issue. A story or a movie or a song that lectures peace & justice. Wonder virus (Umbrella) took over many brains in many years. Many wanted to learn more, many were ignoring & trying to & many were against & trying to & many were stuck & stacked in it & trying to find a way out as I am since the start of it, knowing it is danger to me due to the surroundings.
The advice was ignorance due to it's wastage that create waste to our logic life & living. Traps took over & self cheating from many individuals in logic life. The bright side of it was advices only about God & peace. Most were wasting the truth about or post bonding its existence from reaching to many nations' populations. Memories remains in many brains. Conscious & souls took a part in this circle of illusions. I did suffer so much from total surrounding attacks & since when wastage of shit brains, talk, action reaction of total apes & Satan work from their own brains to play with inner feelings & behaving of a human.
These are not humans, nothing but waste keeps on wasting creating garbage of their own to all. All living in a lie & wasting time. The picture was all the time speaking about it self since beginning. This what
What is the meaning of the word of enforcing & to what? I had enough from Satan work of theirs due to their virus spreading total viruses from their brains & conscious. Do they have any humanity within them? All virus brains & spreading their viruses to them selves & to all. Still they are active to argue, learn, adjust, amend, share, teach & enforcing them selves thinking they are doing anything good! They all are wasting a total human & they can not understand! All are guilty waiting some one to free them while they are acting God's over me & they are complaining! I call them shit. Once there is no humanity or mercy within them selves what there will be? Nothing but shit. They speaks about them selves.
Total picture speaks about it self. They can not understand what they are doing to a human! They are the terror activities on a daily bases. What am I gaining from them? Nothing but shit. They are the wasters & the waste. Had enough from them all. They are against God, Peace & freedom. A kingdom like this remains in Danger & might put other countries in Danger. What local authority to do in this situation once they are belonging to the same families of them! As if no one giving a chance to any! All God's! I call it Danger Virus is the dark side to all nations. Slaves of what? Dark negative side of own brains & life which creates danger in life & to many souls & brains. Many are & still naughty. Shame to remain.
I stick with facts & logic. Suffering from? What God says at this time? That is the question to many brains while it is an advice! What a human nature within this circle of what? Each to give an answer for own conscious. Brains with their conscious to judge own selves. A world of Hygienic has to have a meaning. Pure from sins & mistakes is the bright side. I wish all to understand & to seek by their own. Yes Muslims & Christians of
The 3rd war might take a place. All are guilty. Wait for a nice nuclear war head to fall over the city capital then. Is this what you all waiting for? The question is how many Muslim countries are like that? That is the question. Remains for ever! What history would say?
All are guilty. Writing while I'm off line to paste it on line later & they are above me watching of what I'm doing at home a lone! Yes families! They also can be called SATAN seeing us fucking our wives, girl friends, boy friends, chasing mobile signal to find our location & spark to appear to our eyes. Each brain & conscious is a lonely in its skull. What NASA PACKAGE is for & for what?
Rain Brain Scan, Dynamic Eyes & Tele-Transport & mixing all surrounding brains to it to act as it! This means what? All acting as what? God's & Satan's! Where is the Judge to judge? Once all under this Umbrella! All waste & guilty. What conscious punishment is for? Enforcing what to gain in all of these years? How is the situation now? Any better than before? What tomorrow will be? That is the question. As if no human rights! Some gaining & some losing due to rationalism. The question is: Are all capitalisms are like that? People living on human sufferings. All type of business in danger. It is just like killing to live. Aren't this a terror activities going on, on a daily bases? Answer this question. That is the question. The 3rd war might take a place. Due to what just mentioned. Who is under attack?
Is what doing? Other than natural disasters! Artificial disasters! And chemtrail or tail in the sky! What about natural Earth quacks & Tsunami or Artificial?
What God says about the Artificial God's or Artificial Satan's at this time? This means Satan having fun in killing our faith for tomorrow.
Sept 11th means 911. Are you all are happy now? Setting us all to eat each others shit on a daily bases! Whispers still has an existence! Why? History to speak about it all. Cold War might be real hot one.
Victims under attack for so many years! I'm one of them. Can't work, can't seek for business, can't live without a support! Planet of rabbits seeking me! What this means? Eating my brain! Breakfast, lunch & dinner! & in between! All hum hum me! After me, whose next! What a habit from rabbits. No condoms! Now a days all eating human brains. Population in a circle of war in the brain? How many brains are having such a war? All seeking & sneaking for a total secretes of an individual! Means Family, means city, means country, means countries, means world wide populations, means no human! What God to say at such time? All God's! God is angry. Back to normal life people or HOT WAR. Danger still waiting.
My only support from my sister to cover my monthly expenses! The flat still waiting to be accommodated to a good family!
Maybe they all want support from her too! All are guilty. They made me to loose so much & everything almost. No human rights!
The (Bad Umbrella) Or (Good Umbrella) in bigger Umbrella speaks about it self. Waste it is creating wastage to all & about all. Who is going to gain? What a jungle life! No individuals to be treated as shit ever again. Stop enforcing me to say bad words shit brains.
All to face it! Are we Natural or Artificial? Or artificial creating artificial! Terror activities it is.
Arab analysis creating shit out of their own & own God! Stop focusing on me shit apes & satanic work. Fooling the United Nations, peace keepers & world wide! What are you? Anything better than shit? Shit wanting to be God? Analyze your own shit.
Wanting HOT WAR? Then wait for it.
The future not set yet. This truth serves the future.
What is the DANGER of brains in this Umbrella?
All having a hacking untouchable evident from their inner brains visions & voice from a location to another. It not suppose to be real in logic life. Illusions supposed from their brains. Such People having fun or to have endless subject concerning any of is called corrupters & wasters & waste. I my self to call them Apes & Satan work (Mentally sick). A mother or a father can hack on her own daughter fucking her husband or a son fucking his wife. The question is: What are they doing to me? I do remember when I went to buy medicine to my son due to brain electricity & medicine for 2 years as an antibiotic. while been under so much pressure & people e been playing with my feeling with their car bleeper's. What I to call them? Still they are acting the same after many years!
This means: Fuck you Jordan.
One more subject about internet blue clips: Some having fun offline with web cams & when they connect, hackers are there to copy or take the clips from computers. Many girls are in danger & many boys as well. Danger from those who don’t understand this fact. They keep on blaming them while they are victims been trapped by a virus built in program.
God is Peace, Peace is God, God & peace is freedom in all societies & countries, that serves total living of humans on planet earth & its total system of control & the existence of everything in our planet.
Yes United Nations!
Who is against God, Peace & Freedom (Secrete of life & a key to heaven)? Apes demons & terrorists are. Satan Virus living in them creating hate & heat to all. Get lost all brains. I'm at home alone. A lonely can not be lonely due to shit surrounding virus! Where is normal life? All playing with a human nerve system! I'm not a Muppet or a Puppet! They are. They are wasting everything even a life time assuming a time machine. As if today is not a history for tomorrow! They can't understand this! Am I making any fortune? Wanting fortune! History speaks about it self!
Holly wood movies explain total issues about this type of life! I only take the bright side of movies. What any type of any system that been enforced to own nation in the Arab world? All God's system! A kingdom of total viruses! They & them are denying this truth! All are guilty & creating danger. The total existence (Picture) speaks about it self for many years past already. Anything else more for tomorrow? Everyday is the same almost for tomorrow! Same shit!
Are they serving anything?
Anything good left to be given? More souls! More brains! More questions & answers? More conscious? More pain &memories to remain? More history of waste & wastage! Enough means enough! Stop wasting! Life journey going on waste! What history will speak about this waste in a few words? Virus of apes & Satan work set them all to a jungle life of total conscious corruptions. I used to say I do not want corruptions. Thanks to God that we lived to end the total subject. They still complaining & to whom? What! Shit brains to remain for tomorrow & for history? Case is closed since the day it started.
Their brains brought this to them selves. Once their brains are shit, what would be their life? Back to normal life people. If the advices not serving! Then what should serve? Once they do not accept the total advices then what are they doing? What are they & them is good for? Nothing. Whom they are serving? Their own viruses. Many humans had enough from above mentioned. What a city life in a capital city of a country! Seekers & sneakers with brain connections to create what? All wondering & waiting for something to happen! A missile way to such capital city. How many capital cities are like that in the world? Any more questions? My peace mission is accomplished or wait till it hits & kill us all. Would that help you all if it would happen?
Sorry for my poor English. Focko Nisim All. Good will is the aim. Who Am I? Who we are? Who you are? Who you all are? Who they are? Who them are? So! Back to normal life people. Oh, here we are. What God says at this time? That is the advice. A human is a human as how God did create. My soul belongs to its own creator. Poor or rich once can cover own expenses!
At 1st there was God & at the end there is God.
My peace mission is accomplished (my story).
Now shifting to a higher ground knowledge called our Galaxy.
Who has such program? That helps a lot & its worth
God Bless Our Planet.
Here once we seek more information's about the space & its movements. There is this subject I would love to share with you all.
Our planet earth has a movement to a campus. This type of movement can be calculated by an observer (Satellite). Our planet along with other planets living in our Galaxy.
The program say's: Each movement of each planet a long with our planet earth & the distance between each planet with total planets & the distance with the moon & the sun per planet & total movement with the sun & the moon.
Such program to be shown in a 3d stand still movement with total distance of above mentioned. With a click can be updated to calculate the difference.
We have everything we need at this time to understand our total Galaxy inner movement of planets.
What we need is as follows:
Satellite as an observer to do total updating on a daily bases to provide us with total updates with figure. Then we can calculate the exact total distance & movements of our planets movement system of our galaxy.
One program that has all the calculation, another has the updates & 3rd one to calculate the difference between per year.
Each year to have the above 3 programs till 10 years.
Then we can calculate between all years. That is the subject. To have some meaning of our existence & the knowledge of what might happen the coming future. Can I be one of the team or to join later? PPPllleeeaaassseee. How many would like to say please now?
This subject so essential in life & can make a good business. Such subject can help mankind to understand how much God is great. Such program can also help students in such field of knowledge. It also can help us all to understand of what we can do in case of any fail in our galaxy. Horoscope science & knowledge also involved with. Did National Geographic explained? What about such program to have an existence!
What about the fire stones that falls on all planets in our galaxy. Where from & would there be any change to any planet movement or distance? That also might cause such fail. Such subject did explain what it has to have other than that, the natural climate change. We to care for our planet. 3D world map program almost as an example, such program has so much data & a wonderful program to students. A world wide history is there in it. It covers so much about our planet earth only & calculates the distance between countries which leads even to flight time if we want to understand. It is a magnificent program. Good luck & God Bless.
Do I need miner brains (Sneakers with their virus of bla bla bla even in the street or within their brains or conscious!) to keep on wasting my thoughts or ideas? Apes & satanic works still active from virus brains as well as Electron Harassments. I call them all are the wasters & God hates them. They are sick in doing so as if they are the walking death even to each others. Sooner or later! I will keep on ignoring them all. Their brains in their assholes (Umbrella) for cursing everything & wasting. They are the waste in life. The picture speaks about it self. God & Peace is the freedom & the truth to all nations. Peace always was there & we been fighting for it to remain even within our inner brain (A Believe) Conscious Pain to remain for those who don’t believe. That’s why we are a live. Peace keepers of United Nations. Freedom means what? It's a subject with total confidence in me to all peace lovers that been brought to you all from total quote of years of me. NO hard feelings. God remains the greatest always, the inventor creator of total universe. Concerning all the above mentioned already in history. For all to recall as bellow mentioned. Study well. I did my studies! Good luck. Satan work goes to hell. Should they to change the history? It was hell of a time to me & to many of us. I'm not a politician.
This is the future with a believe to all mankind & life to go on with. God Bless our Planet.
Below link been brought to have an existence to you all! Why is that?
An example of history from 3D world map program is below mentioned:
Yes United Nations! Yes NASA! Yes a World Wide!
Globally, the 20th century was marked by: (a) two devastating world wars; (b) the Great Depression of the 1930s; (c) the end of vast colonial empires; (d) rapid advances in science and technology, from the first airplane flight at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina (US) to the landing on the moon; (e) the Cold War between the Western alliance and the Warsaw Pact nations; (f) a sharp rise in living standards in North America, Europe, and Japan; (g) increased concerns about the environment, including loss of forests, shortages of energy and water, the decline in biological diversity, and air pollution; (h) the onset of the AIDS epidemic; and (i) the ultimate emergence of the US as the only world superpower. The planet's population continues to explode: from 1 billion in 1820, to 2 billion in 1930, 3 billion in 1960, 4 billion in 1974, 5 billion in 1988, and 6 billion in 2000. For the 21st century, the continued exponential growth in science and technology raises both hopes (e.g., advances in medicine) and fears (e.g., development of even more lethal weapons of war).
Global output rose by 3.7% in 2003, led by
Because of their own internal problems and priorities, the industrialized countries devote insufficient resources to deal effectively with the poorer areas of the world, which, at least from the economic point of view, are becoming further marginalized. The introduction of the euro as the common currency of much of
عالمياً، القرن العشرون أُشّرَ مِن قِبل: (a) حربان عالميتان مُدَمّرتان؛ (b) الكساد الأعظم مِنْ الثلاثيناتِ؛ (c) نهاية الإمبراطورياتِ الإستعماريةِ الواسعةِ؛ (d) تقدّم سريع في العِلْم والتقنيةِ، مِنْ طيرانِ الطائرةِ الأولِ في كيتي هوك، كارولاينا الشّمالية (الولايات المتّحدة) إلى الإنزال على القمرِ؛ (e) الحرب الباردة بين التحالفِ الغربيِ وأممِ حلفِ وارشو؛ (f) a إرتفاع حادّ في مستوياتِ المعيشة في أمريكا الشمالية، أوروبا، واليابان؛ (g) زادَ المخاوفَ حول البيئةِ، بضمن ذلك خسارةِ الغاباتِ، نَقْص الطاقةِ والماءِ، الهبوط في التنويعِ الحيويِ، وتلوث هواء؛ (h) بداية وباءِ الأيدزَ؛ و(i) الظهور النهائي للولايات المتّحدةِ كالقوة العظمى العالمية الوحيدة. سكان الكوكبَ يُواصلُ الإنفِجار: مِنْ بليون 1 في 1820، إلى 2 بليون في 1930, 3 بليون في 1960, 4 بليون في 1974, 5 بليون في 1988، و6 بليون في 2000. للقرنِ الحادي والعشرونِ، النمو بمعدل متزايد المستمر في العِلْم والتقنيةِ يَرْفعُ كلتا الآمال (ومثال على ذلك: -، تقدّم في الطبِّ) ومخاوف (ومثال على ذلك: -، تطوير الأسلحةِ القاتلةِ لدرجة أكبر مِنْ الحربِ).
النظرة العامّة
إرتفعَ الناتجُ العالمي بنسبة 3.7 % في 2003، تحت قيادة الصين (9.1 %)، الهند (7.6 %)، وروسيا (7.3 %). واجهتْ أممُ الوريثِ الأخرى الـ14 مِنْ الإتحاد السّوفيتي وأممِ حلفِ وارشو الأخرى القديمة معدلات نمو متباعدة جداً ثانيةً؛ الأمم البلطيقية الثلاث إستمرّتْ كمؤدّون أقوياء، في الـ5 %-7% مدى النمو. نَتائِج نمو أرسلتْ بالبلدانِ الصناعيةِ الرئيسيةِ تَفاوتتْ مِنْ a خسارة مِن قِبل ألمانيا (-0.1%) إلى a مكسب قوي بالولايات المتّحدةِ (3.1 %). تَفاوتتْ الدول الناميةُ أيضاً في نَتائِجِ نموهم، بالعديد مِنْ البلدانِ تُواجهُ زياداتَ سكانِ التي تُضعفُ المكاسبَ في الناتجِ. خارجياً، الدولة القومية، كa نظام حجرِ أساس السياسي الإقتصاديِ، يَفْقدُ سيطرةَ بثبات على التدفقِ الدوليِ مِنْ الناسِ، سلع، أموال، وتقنية. داخلياً، تَجِدُ الحكومةَ المركزيةَ سيطرتَها في أغلب الأحيان على المصادرِ تَنزلقُ كحركات إقليمية إنفصالية - نموذجياً مستندة على الإنتماء العرقي - زخم مكسبِ، ومثال على ذلك: -، في العديد مِنْ ولاياتِ وريثَ الإتحاد السوفيتي السابقِ، في يوغسلافيا السابقة، في الهند، في العراق، في أندونيسيا، وفي كندا. خارجياً، الحكومة المركزية تَفْقدُ سلطاتَ إتّخاذ القراراتِ إلى الهيئات الدوليةِ. في أوربا الغربية، تُواجهُ حكوماتَ المشكلةَ السياسيةَ الصعبةَ لتَحويل المصادرِ بعيداً عن برامج الخدمات الإجتماعيةِ لكي تَزِيدَ إستثمارَ وتَقوّي الحوافزَ لإرادة التوظيفِ. إضافة 80 مليون شخصِ كُلّ سَنَة إلى الكرة الأرضيةِ الشديدة الإزدحامِ تُثيرُ مشاكلَ التلوثِ , desertification, underemployment، أوبئة، ومجاعة. بسبب مشاكلِهم الداخليةِ الخاصةِ وأولوياتِهم، تُكرّسُ الدول الصناعية مصادرَ غير كافيةَ لتَعَامُل عملياً بالمناطقِ الأفقرِ مِنْ العالمِ، الذي، على الأقل مِنْ وجهة النظر الإقتصاديةِ، يُصبحُ مهمّشة أخرى. مقدمة اليورو كالعملة المشتركة لمُعظم أوربا الغربية في يناير/كانون الثّاني 1999، بينما تَمهيد الطريق لمركزِ نفوذ إقتصاديِ متكاملِ، يُشكّلُ المخاطر الإقتصادية بسبب تَغيير مستوياتِ الدخل والإختلافاتِ الثقافيةِ والسياسيةِ بين الأممِ المشاركةِ. الهجمات الإرهابية على الولايات المتّحدةِ في 11 سبتمبر/أيلولِ 2001 تُشدّدُ a خطر مُتزايد بشكل أكبر إلى الإزدهارِ العالميِ، مُصَوَّر، على سبيل المثال، مِن قِبل إعادة تخصيصِ المصادرِ بعيداً عن الإستثمارِ إلى البرامجِ مكافحة الإرهابِ. إفتتاح الحربِ في مارس/آذار 2003 بين a تَحَالُف بقيادة الولايات المتحدة والعراق أضافَ حيرةَ جديدةَ إلى الإمكانيات الإقتصاديةِ العالميةِ. بعد النصرِ الإئتلافيِ، الصعوبات السياسية المعقّدة والكلفة الإقتصادية العالية لتَأسيس الطلبِ المحليِ في العراق أصبحَ مشاكلَ عالميةَ رئيسيةَ التي تَستمرُّ إلى 2004.
As a citizen of this world what can I do?

As a citizen of this world what can I do?
For those of you who read the articles on Natural disasters and climate change and World war 3 predictions 2015 and onwards and think to yourselves ‘now what?’, we have provided some practical information on what each of you can do to help the situation. The basic aim is to reduce the spiritually impure components (Raja and Tama) in the environment and to increase the spiritually pure component (Sattva) in society.
We have separated the plan of action into 4 quadrants:
Note: Each quadrant needs to include solutions at a physical, psychological and spiritual level. For the purposes of the physical solutions, such as efforts to reduce carbon emissions, we recommend visiting other websites such as climatecrisis.net. The below solutions are written mainly from a psychological and spiritual point of view.
Quadrant 1: What can I do at a basic level?
First, please take the time to familiarise and understand the articles on Climate change, World war 3 and Armageddon and Good versus Evil. Also do study the related articles as it will give you a more well-rounded understanding of the issue.
Spiritual practice that is according to the six basic principles of spiritual practice is a sure way to increase the Sattva in oneself and also to gain a higher level of protection from God.
If you are not doing any spiritual practice, we have provided you with some simple spiritual practices to get you started on your spiritual journey. There is no better time to start than today. Each one of us starting spiritual practice that conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice helps the overall increase in the Sattva component and concomitant decrease in the Raja and Tama components.
If you are currently doing some spiritual practice, check if it conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Do ponder deeply over the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Though they may seem deceptively simple, it is in the application of these principles that most people stumble.
Spiritual practice has to be complemented with an open minded study of spirituality. The study has to be without cultural bias such as we study in a university or college. Only when we are clear about spiritual principles can we make decisions about how to guide and direct our spiritual practice. To facilitate a seeker’s spiritual understanding, we are conducting various lectures worldwide and have provided some of these lectures in our SSRF classroom.
If you have any questions please e-mail us by clicking on the ‘contact us‘ link.
Quadrant 2: What can I do at a basic level to help others?
No man is an island, and we are all a part of society. No man can remain unscathed when the entire world is severely affected. Hence, it becomes imperative, that we take steps to positively influence the world because it consists of our loved ones, relatives, friends, associates, colleagues, etc.
Pass this article on to your friends, family, acquaintances and interested groups. Every one of us needs to know about the root cause of these events. What we do then is up to each one of us.
Once you learn, practice and understand a spiritual principle do tell others about it. Do not wait to be proficient yourself before you start sharing it with others. Remember, when you learn ‘A’ share ‘A’, do not wait until you go to ‘Z.’
Quadrant 3: What are the next steps at an individual level?
After we start spiritual practice, we need to progressively improve the quality and quantity of our spiritual practice. For example, if one is able to chant the Name of God for one hour a day, in the next month one can try and increase it to two hours. In short, we need to become a seeker of God. We define the stage of seeker as one where:
One does spiritual practice with a definite goal of God-realisation.
Spiritual practice and spiritual growth take centre stage in our life even when going about our everyday life.
One does spiritual practice daily.
The spiritual practice conforms to the basic principles of spiritual practice.
One remains in regular contact with other seekers with the objective of being in the company of the Truth (satsang)and learning spiritual principles.
One aims to make definite spiritual progress regularly and is alert to stagnation in his or her spiritual practice.
One makes efforts to reduce personality defects and ego.
One conducts the ritual of Agnihotra to reduce pollution.
When one is at this stage, one can begin to contribute more effectively to increasing the Sattva component on Earth.
Quadrant 4: What are the next steps to help society?
Once we have gained the qualities of a seeker as described above, we become more efficient instruments to do God’s work.
Helping spread spiritual awareness that is of a universal nature in society, is the fastest way to earn the grace of the Teaching Principle of God i.e. the Guru.
• Global Issues from a Spiritual Perspective
كمواطن هذا العالمِ ماذا يمكن أَنْ أنا أعْمَلُ؟
لأولئك منك مَنْ قَرأتْ المقالاتُ على الكوارثِ الطبيعيةِ وتغييرِ المناخِ والحرب العالميةِ 3 تنبؤاتَ 2015 وإلى الأمام وإعتقدا إلى أنفسكم ' الآن الذي؟ '، زوّدنَا بَعْض المعلوماتِ العمليةِ على ما كُلّ منك يُمْكِنُ أَنْ لمُسَاعَدَة الحالةِ. إنّ الهدفَ الأساسيَ أَنْ يُخفّضَ المكوّناتَ الملوّثةَ روحياً (أمير حاكم وتاما) في البيئةِ ولزيَاْدَة المكوّنِ الصافيِ روحياً (Sattva) في المجتمعِ.
فَصلنَا خطةَ العمل إلى 4 أرباعِ دائرة:
المُلاحظة: يَحتاجُ كُلّ ربع دائرة لتَضْمين الحلولِ في a مستوى روحي ونفسي وطبيعي. لأغراضِ الحلولِ الطبيعيةِ، مثل الجُهودِ لتَخفيض إشعاعاتِ الكاربونِ، نَوصي مواقعَ ويب أخرى زائرةَ مثل climatecrisis. الشبكة. تحت الحلولِ مكتوبة بشكل رئيسي مِنْ a وجهة نظر نفسية وروحية.
ربع دائرة 1: ماذا يمكن أَنْ أنا أعْمَلُ في a مستوى أساسي؟
أولاً، رجاءً إستغرقْ الوقتَ لمُؤالفة وفَهْم المقالاتِ على تغييرِ المناخِ، حرب عالمية 3 ومعركة فاصلة وجيد مقابل الشرِّ. أيضاً يَدْرسُ المقالاتَ ذات العلاقةَ كما هي سَتَعطيك a فَهْم ممتلئ أكثر مِنْ القضيةِ.
الممارسة الروحية التي طبقاً للمبادئِ الأساسيةِ الستّة مِنْ الممارسةِ الروحيةِ a طريق متأكّد لزيَاْدَة Sattva في نفسه وأيضاً لكَسْب a مستوى أعلى مِنْ الحمايةِ مِنْ الله.
إذا أنت لا تَعْملُ أيّ ممارسة روحية، زوّدنَاك ببَعْض الممارساتِ الروحيةِ البسيطةِ للحُصُول على أنت بَدأتَ على رحلتِكَ الروحيةِ. ليس هناك وقت أفضل للبَدْء مِنْ اليوم. كل واحد مِنَّا نَبْدأُ ممارسةً روحيةً التي تَتوافقُ إلى المبادئِ الأساسيةِ الستّة مِنْ الممارسةِ الروحيةِ تُساعدُ الزيادةَ العامّةَ في نقصانِ Sattva المكوّن والمصاحب في الأمير الحاكمِ ومكوّناتِ تاما.
إذا أنت تَعْملُ بَعْض الممارسةِ الروحيةِ حالياً، مراقبة إذا تَتوافقُ إلى المبادئِ الأساسيةِ الستّة مِنْ الممارسةِ الروحيةِ. يُفكّرُ بعمق على المبادئِ الأساسيةِ الستّة مِنْ الممارسةِ الروحيةِ. مع بإِنَّهُمْ قَدْ يَبْدونَ بسطاء بشكل خادع، هو في تطبيقِ هذه المبادئِ ذلك أكثر الناسِ يَتعثّرونَ.
الممارسة الروحية يَجِبُ أَنْ تُتمّمَ بدراسةِ مُتَدَبّرةِ مفتوحةِ مِنْ الروحانيةِ. الدراسة يَجِبُ أَنْ تَكُونَ بدون تحيّزِ ثقافيِ مثل نَدْرسَ في a جامعة أَو كليَّة. فقط عندما نحن واضحون حول المبادئِ الروحيةِ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ نَتّخذَ القراراتَ حول كَيفَ تُوجّهُ وتُوجّهُ ممارستَنا الروحيةَ. لتَسهيل a فَهْم باحثِ الروحيِ، نحن نَجري محاضراتَ مُخْتَلِفةَ حول العالم وزوّدوا البعض مِنْ هذه المحاضراتِ في قاعةِ دروس إس إس آر إف نا.
إذا كان لديكم أي سؤال رجاءً أرسلْ بالبريد الإلكترونينا بالنَقْر على 'اتَّصل بنا' وصلة.
ربع دائرة 2: ماذا يمكن أَنْ أنا في a مستوى أساسي لمُسَاعَدَة الآخرين؟
لا رجلَ جزيرةُ، وكلنا a جزء المجتمعِ. لا رجلَ يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَبْقى غير مَآْذيّ عندما كامل العالمِ يُؤثّرُ على بشدَّة. لِذلك، يُصبحُ أولويةً، بأنّنا نَتّخذُ الخطواتَ للتَأثير على العالمَ إيجابياً لأن يَشْملُ أحبائِنا، أقرباء، أصدقاء، شركاء، زملاء، الخ.
إنقلْ هذه المقالةِ إلى أصدقائِكَ، عائلة، أصدقاء ومجموعات مهتمّة. كُلّ واحد مِنْ نَحتاجُ للمعْرِفة حول أساسِ هذه الأحداثِ. بإِنَّنا ثمّ إلى كل واحد مِنْنا.
عندما تَتعلّمُ، ممارسة وتَفْهمُ a مبدأ روحي يُخبرُ آخرون عنه. لا تُنتظرْ لِكي تَكُونَ ماهرةَ نفسك أمامك بداية تَتشاركُ به مع الآخرين. تذكّرْ، عندما تَتعلّمُ ' A' سهم ' A'، لا يَنتظرُ حتى تَذْهبُ إلى ' زد. '
ربع دائرة 3: ما الخطوات القادمة في مستوى فرديِ؟
بَعْدَ أَنْ نَبْدأُ ممارسةً روحيةً، نَحتاجُ لتَحسين النوعيةِ بتقدم تدريجي وكميةِ ممارستِنا الروحيةِ. على سبيل المثال، إذا واحد قادر على هِتاف اسمِ الله لواحد ساعة يومياً، في الشهر التالي واحد يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يُحاولَ ويَزِيدَه إلى ساعتين. باختصار، نَحتاجُ أَنْ نُصبحَ باحث الله. نُعرّفُ مرحلةَ الباحثِ كواحد حيث:
واحد يَعمَلُ ممارسةً روحيةً مَع a هدف مؤكّد مِنْ إدراكِ الله.
الممارسة الروحية والنمو الروحي يُصبحانِ محطّ الإهتمام في حياتِنا حتى عندما يَستمرّانِ بحياتنا العاديةِ.
واحد يَعمَلُ صحيفة ممارسةِ يوميةَ روحيةِ.
تَتوافقُ الممارسةُ الروحيةُ إلى المبادئِ الأساسيةِ للممارسةِ الروحيةِ.
بقايا واحدة في النظامي تَتّصلُ بالباحثين الآخرينِ بهدف وجود في شركةِ الحقيقةِ (satsang) وتَتعلّمُ مبادئَ روحيةَ.
أهداف واحدة لإحْراز التقدّمِ الروحيِ المؤكّدِ بإنتظام ويقِظةُ إلى الركودِ في ه أَو ممارستِها الروحيةِ.
جُهود طرازاتِ واحدة لتَخفيض العيوبِ وأنا الشخصيةِ.
واحد يَجري طقوسَ Agnihotra لتَخفيض التلوثِ.
عندما واحد في هذه المرحلة، واحد يُمْكِنُ أَنْ يَبْدأَ بمُسَاهَمَة عملياً أكثرِ إلى زيَاْدَة مكوّنِ Sattva على الأرضِ.
ربع دائرة 4: ماذا الخطوات القادمة لمُسَاعَدَة المجتمعِ؟
عندما كَسبنَا نوعياتَ a باحث كما وُصِفتْ فوق، نُصبحُ آلاتَ أكثرَ كفاءة لتَعمَلُ عملُ الله.
مُسَاعَدَة على نشر الوعي الروحيِ الذي a طبيعة عالمية في المجتمعِ، الطريقُ الأسرعُ لكَسْب نعمةِ مبدأِ تعليم الله وبمعنى آخر: . المعلّم.
o قضايا عالمية مِنْ a منظور روحي
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God Bless.