What's for breakfast, lunch & dinner?
My brain! Everyday! Enjoying that!
Then feed your selves!
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Once umbrella of electrons still active & affecting all life! Creating what?
Slaves! All slaves! Elections for what? Once there are brains creating wastage! Creating madness to all! Viruses to all livings! Who made this wastage? What life is for? Fake life! Who is doing this to all?
What God left! What holly left! What past, present & future for! Just to survive! With no meaning! Once there are brain connections! Everything is shit. Brain connections is against humanity. What humanity 1st without God! Without freedom! Without a believe! Atheist growing for what? What is the cause? Would elections to solve this problem? Then all are slaves to what! Once no God! Slaves to a home land! Slaves to money! Slaves to survival? Slaves to each others with this brain connections! Maybe slaves to Satan work that lasted for many years! What religions left & what traditions left? What marriage left & what raising children for! What concentration for a human brain left! The question is: Why waiting for so much years to go on like this? Any of presidents or kings or queens going to solve this problem now? The question is how it's going to be solved? Why you all been waiting for so many years to solve such world problem? Cheaters all of you. Tell us that it is like this since born for us to understand that you all are Gods. Means all religions are fake or been faked by you all or tell us who is doing this to us (Mankind). Peace & war is fake. God & Satan is fake. A world of survivals only! Politics faking us all then. What history yet to say! Then encyclopedia gone on waste once a human to have no meaning to live for! No need to study, to learn, to know, to live for what believing in! Why brain connection still active? Elections are fake
Destination unknown. Living for what? Planet of what? Once bright side & dark side of brains connected to each others then God & Satan are in all brains which might create what? Who create the brain connections to create anger & danger? Death cases & viruses been growing due to this un closed subject creating war of extermination to many people. What humanity 1st without God 1st? This is insane. As if all religions are politics! Would this help? Once news is fake! Elections is fake. All living with fake faces, with fake relations in this life!
What we are living for? To cheat on our selves then! Where is the logic in this life?
Shit Nation= Shit administration.
Shit administration= Shit Nation.
Once both are shit then their God is Shit.
All God's! Yes God's!
All are guilty.
What politics is doing? How many election taken a part in all of these years? Did they solve this problem? Those behind the shadows acting & taking judgments without using any court, any judge, any law & acting God to create corruptions to mankind.
This type of law belongs to whom? As if kill who ever you like to kill!
All nations to know about it once it has an existence. End of talk. No trust left. Live by your own & minimize your relations people once there is neither privacy nor secrecy. Your brains are hackers & your satellites also hackers! NASA Package is living in your brains. Your brains also acting as this type of package. All God's!
Copy & paste your passwords & do not remember any. Demons are many & Satan has many faces. Any can be under attack. Danger life.
NASA Package is the virus. Whispers all the time active means all are shit. What religions left? Anything holly left? Live with what ever.
Satan created many as own kind. What is liberty? Only a statue!
The present say's live for tomorrow & not for past. We are living in the present. Would there be tomorrow? What the present say's to you all? Why people memories in the present to keep on opening wounds? Shame on them to create this shit time machine of their own brains mixing our brains with. Why this Umbrella is for? To create no meaning for today & for tomorrow. Shame shame shame. Get lost shit brains & to connect to more brains! To kill each another! Shame to remain what a history! Brains killing brains & a hunter fishing in the fishing pool! What a life for tomorrow!
All are guilty. What a history! Sorry for my poor English.
What liberation till victory!
Is there freedom?
Yes United Nations!
The law of Justice of our planet says:
The Umbrella.
The Umbrella to mankind brains believes & conscious:
Are we reconstructing or reshaping the constitution & God's law of creation of life! Once it is there since beginning with its pure shape & construction! What we are doing is only teaching to learn & learning to teach & it is only advising each another. The bright side of life is the winner always. God is fact, logic & is the only winner always. Who is with & who is against? The good well is the aim. Stop hurting us.
What God says at this time? Yes United Nations! Are we united?
An advice for a better understanding:
Muppet puppet show is:
Poor, poor people with (Hot blood) about capitalism rich people or capitalism rich people with (cold Blood) about poor people!
Is this is the war between? Well! As it been said: The poor getting poorer & the rich getting richer! What a habit from both sides creating a big show to them selves & to all of us!
What is your advice to them? God & Peace. Good well is the aim.
The poor might suffer if there is no care. The rich might be happy in being rich & in control. Actually both can have influences to solve their problems. The question is: In a good way or bad way? What a human nature!
The question is: What about the law in this case! Stability, facts, logic & going on with. Both, Poor & Rich to obey the law if it reached to the law & not to zigzag way with for a better judgment with God help & support.
All wanting to be God's under this umbrella (Time Machine that is keeping us living in the past always of (Past, Present & Future) controlled by demon brains)? What a waste! Idiots.
A human self respect is a National Security & a
But there is a gap of time (Time Machine) between Law & total humans if there is no complain from their sides. This gap has so much to speak about. Here where the Danger might play or the good well.
Human Nature to decide. War or peace. This Umbrella is playing in this gap of total human life. Here where the conscious of ours are. But not to be enforced to each others or there will be no God & no law. I call it wastage & no need to be involved with due to brain connections of ours. Good & Bad of this Umbrella is wastage creating waste to all. In this Umbrella lot of zigzag ways are there. All God's! Fishing in a fishing pool! People thinking they are getting smart or talents! 6th sense or 7th! Shame to remain. Here were satellites also taking advantages out of this situation of previous pasts from Memories of a human brain to share with others even! Stop playing with memories Idiots. Today is a past for tomorrow. History remains as memories are. Who wants to play with my memories still& to prove what against me once all are guilty? All are guilty. Satan law is wasting & creating waste of? This law of Satan to hell. As many will be in hell due to their brains & behaive they also wasters while they are the waste. Idiots.
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That’s why I had to write my story to update on a daily bases while I can because of God, Peace & Justice, for me & for others. Others are good & bad. Not all good & not all bad. Where is the law to control them in this Umbrella? Do I need Idiots to control my life & destiny? And to drive me crazy? God's! or Satan's! Other than that there are many mentally ill & some since born between! All of it shit waste. What they to gain? Hell is still waiting them. Their sins & mistakes to be taken with their death to their graves. Then God to Judge! What they are creating to them selves?
How many in total countries are just like them? Many are still. Here were the families to lecture their own & holly places to lecture religions & God existence for total families once all are in this Umbrella. Since when waste to help once it is waste? I'm only an advisor.
It is like Total Satan work. Those who creates & play with a human soul as if enforcing to the big issue! Shame on them. They look into a small issue as if there is an issue! But they are the big issue. They are the subject. Are we humans or apes or machines? We all witnesses. The picture speaks about it self. Who wants to win anything from this Umbrella? Only advices to be giving to many families in many nations. Well! Yes United Nations!
All in this Umbrella are called those behind the shadows. Humans as Satellites! All are a like! What is the logic! Idiots (Apes & Satanic work) & how many are them? Give God & law some respect! Here is the law of adjusting your brains with. Or we all are living in a jungle life! This gap is wastage to all mankind & still wanting to play above our souls!
Shame to remain. History is there. What Satan is doing to us all? God remains the greatest always. This is Law of survival (Teach to learn & learn to teach).
And the question remains: Are we Humans or Apes or Machines? I am a human & you all? What a waste of years. The picture speaks about it self still. If no God no Law no human rights! This is the law of the future & survival. This Time Machine Satan work wasting & killing us all. Back to normal life. There is no law against the truth. We have to be protected from Satan always. Lets free our selves from this danger gap (Rat race, virus race, mafia's & traps) = To Hell. Our life is too short to live within this gap. shortening more! What a Time Machine! Creating what? Conscious pain to remain. Whispers once enforced is okay due to human nature, but even though it's wrong. People to understand we been enforced. They should not blame or judge even if there also visions in the brains. I been insulted many time while I'm at home alone. They are spying using brain connections! Brains & the Connectors are what? Wanting to prove what once both are under virus umbrella! To create what? Acting reacting! Voices in the skulls & in the air! Are we movie to all! And all are! What a waste! Yes Satellites! Creating what out of families of ours? Wasting us all! For what? Gaining anything? Playing with souls & conscious! Give us back of what you caused. So Obvious! Who is bad now! No law! Pay for our sufferings then. All of these years of ours. Creating us danger life! There is no judge because it is wrong. I do not judge & I do not want any to judge on me. What all God's! They can not be God's. Stop enforcing brains to each others satellites. Leaving us with no prove to defend our souls & our life as if there is no Human Rights! Yes United Nations! Who suppose to solve such problem?
What God & Law of justice to say: Waste Virus it is that took a part in our life's & still going on with us.
Idiots (Are Danger) & are many still in our life. Who want to judge in this illusion virus life even while it is true or not true? This habit of brains has to be stopped. Stupidity of surroundings = viruses enforcing to a cold war then to a hot one or a civil war! Then shame to remain. This is what it is. Stop playing with a human nerve system. That goes for all. Who is against or with the law of survival once it is fake not logic & wastage? All wants brain digging & for what? What God say's at this time? Yes United Nations! What a school! God is the school. Miner brains & those against God keep on wasting the truth! Idiots shit brains they are. A human brain & soul suffering! For what & for how long? This created what to a total human life? Who wants to prove anything against me or others? No logic in it. No law in it. No God in it. Satan in it. Satan in Satellites & in many brains (Umbrella of gap of time). Do I need any of it? Shame on all to remain. History to write about it.
This Umbrella is corrupting the constitution of life & God's law of creation & not helping anything or any of us. Yes United Nations! Wise people with God & peace believe to suffer! And all listeners & interfering! I started to use Text to speak program for all to listen due to this Umbrella for all to understand! Would this help? Me living for all! All are guilty for making me to suffer & in wasting my life time other than money. I lost many chances in my life while I been seeking with good well. Satan work so strong giving no chance & wanting to argue, cover own self after making the big loss to me! No human rights! No witnesses! As if all having rights over me! Well! What the law of justice would to say about me? All digging to beg from a human brain! Me & my family. Shame on all to remain. Focusing on who you shit Apes & Satanic works. All of you are guilty by all type of all law's. What is your excuses you shit demons? History will say that.
All covering all! For how long & this umbrella as if victimizing the victims! What type of law is this! All acting reacting & creating waste. Waste to us & to them. Brains of what? Satellites of what? Life of what? Law of what? Umbrella of what? All are guilty for ever. Years of suffering past & still going on due to this Umbrella of viruses. Sky nets are these different viruses creators. Killing us all with electrons & nuclear radiation. What I can do? Any advice? Yes United Nations! This umbrella is killing for what? What is its law? If it has a law! Then let's judge! I say all are guilty. All professions of all mankind are totally guilty. Where is the judge to judge in this Umbrella or about this umbrella? This Umbrella still active for what once it's faking us all?
Killing us with viruses! Yes United Nations! We all connected in this umbrella for what? To suffer more! To kill each others! Then everything to have no meaning! God & Peace to have no meaning! Stop enforcing us to fight or to kill or to waste souls. God forgive us all. Yes United Nations! What is the meaning of Peace Keepers? Peace keepers is to insure the constitution of life & God law of creation to go on & we to go on with. Should I explain more while the picture speaks about it self?
Universal Justice is not on our planet. Else where in far a way in universe. It is an Insult to all mankind. Yes earthen shit! An alien is better in judgments. Yes U F O's! What energy burst is for? To connect total brains! No God? Then how did you have an existence & planets in galaxies? Shame on you all. What! End of universe! All God's! We Humans believes that there is hell & heaven after death. And you? Wanting our planet? If yes! Go on with it! If no! Then stop the umbrella at once & end its activities! That goes for both: Mankind & Aliens. U.F.O over the dome of the rock with energy burst! Clips over Internet are there. This energy burst is what for? For fun? For insult? For what? To connect our brains together! What for? To create more Apes & demons!
Our mother earth is crying & wanting to survive as it was been given to it's own earth people.
AVATAR movie explains almost the same! They are connected to all of livings in their planet! But we are without a tail. Humans used their bodies with their technology! Well!
I used to say my war is not with humans! And no one wants to understand! Shame to remain. Would this to solve the problem now! What TV. Showed to us in all of these years? What a big show! Yes United Nations!
Yes, Poor & Rich People! Yes world wide nations! Hand to hand & help each others for a better future. No poor no rich & vise versa! What! The poor to die & the rich to live! Then no God! No Law! Stop playing with destiny shit brains. If all enforcing Satan above us! Then all goes to hell & life to have no meaning to remain if all wants to reach to a sick brains. And what the law of justice to do in this time? Yes shit brains? What is wrong with your brains? Creating what? More God's & more Satan's! The cure is the advice. Or kill the good people, wise people, law people, crazy people, idiot people & Killing cheating for money! Creating hyena's world upon souls!
This Umbrella goes to hell with its Satan Virus. So obvious. The picture speaks about it self. Yes United Nations? Answer the entire subject.
No justice! No way for living! Wanting war shit heads! War in this Umbrella even! Who is the control! Satan is. Shame on you all. Is this faire & justice for all of you now or not? Shit big business still going on in this life of ours! Drugs, gambling, terror activities, war of cheating, TV cheating in politics from all different countries concerns (U S A & Arab countries internal own wars) War from own party! All cheating all! What a big show & to who? What history to say! All assuming Satan Virus doing so! Lies lasted for many years & for what? What the world wide is doing! What is the excuse? What the Umbrella excuse? All acting the same! Media cheating on all creating fake life! What a crazy life! The question is: Where is the war? Business of fake cheating & creating war. Where is the truth? God is the truth.
Other than that such true story of:
In last many years Satan took over! Who allowed Satan to take over?
Yes earthen Satan shit people! How many victims in all of these past years caused by you? The picture speaks about it self. Satan has many faces. Be aware from. Since when killing is a business? Where is the war & between who? The entire subject taking us all to no where! Serving anything? All of it is waste. Are you all happy now? The truth spoke about it self. Yes philosophers! Had enough! Planet of guilt! All are guilty. All of it is faults. Any more questions Apes & Satanic works?
This P.L.O's still exists! Once peace agreements took over a place since Bill Clinton time! Or they got used to ask for contributions! Yes
What is going on still in
This big mafia business goes to hell. As if no God No Peace & no law! Shame, shame, shame to remain. Yes Holly Land!
Look at the holly lands picture in all over the world! War still going on!
Why is that? No God No Peace. Each country to lecture own people for a better future. What politics still going on! What a waste! Palestinian Authority contributing in the U N budget? Yes United Nations peace keepers! Look at the picture! Fools creating what? Muppet Puppet Show to all! The picture speaks about it self! What sick brain connection is for?
This NASA Package is for what? To create what? Viruses & shame to remain. All God's! All Demons! All Muppet's! What it is for? Why it is still active? Wasting everything. All are guilty carrying sins & mistakes on a daily bases till the rest of their life's. Hell or heaven! God best judge. All to ask for forgiveness from GOD.
Under God & Peace we to go on. Other than that is wastage & fake. End of subject. There is no other truth about entire subject. Who is with & who is against. What God say's at this time? Is the truth. Yes all business in life! All business can be in danger with SATAN VIRUS. It's concerning all.
Do we need this type of a time machine or brain connections? To create conscious pain to remain! I say no people. The good will to remain. Better for all of you to stop it. What is the harm in stopping it after all of those years gone on waste! God is angry.
End of subject. God to help & God Bless those who understand God & Peace.