My updates concerning my situation.
An email to:,,,
To family & relatives. To understand the exact situation of mine. Email sent by my Yahoo account:
بيلعبوا فينى الدحله! كلمه بتودينى وكلمه بتجيبنى! وفكرى يغير المجرى! أمراض نفسيه دنيئه وحقيره والبركه بتعذيب الضمير والضمائر وأكثرها غائبه! ويلعبون بواقع الإنسان! أسس مبنيه على الصلبطه والنصب والإحتيال. سياسه كر وفر ويضيعون الوقت بالهوس, بالبلبله ويضعفون الإنسان ويلومونه بكل فكره وعمل يعمله! ما معنى هذا الكلام؟ ظروفى صعبه وأبو داوود ظروفه صعبه! والكل يتذخل بشؤون غيره وفاتحنها سيره القرود والشيطان مبسوط على هذا الحال! كلمة حق وقلتها من زمان. اللى بفهم كويس والما بفهم غير كويس! أما خلط الكل بالكل ما هو إلا مضيعة وقت. أرجو الإتصال بأبو داوود وعمل الازم وشكرا. أما صيانة الشقه فأنا أتولاها لأن أجرة العماله تكلف كثير. وهناك الضمائر الكويسه والغير كويسه هذا هو الواقع وكأنها كلها تتذخل فى عقر ذهنى. خالتى سافرت ولم أبلغ بأنها سافرت إلا بعد ثلاثة أيام! وعلى العموم أخلى مسؤوليتى من عدم إرسال هدايا لأمريكا. وبالنسبة لعالم الأرواح ما هو سوى مضيعة وقت لا أكثر وأمراض نفسية تحاول التذخل بشؤون الغير ليخربوا بيوت الناس وإضعافهم لكى يسيطروا على ما ليس لهم غير الطمع والجشع واللؤم لعمل الحياه البريه وليست الحياة البشرية. ومن هذا المنطلق أرجو الإتصال بأبو داوود حتى لا أفكر ليأخذوا المعلومات من جمجمتى وعقلى وشكراً. وشرحت الكثير من هذا الكلام فهو واقع زاد الطين بله فى أكثر الدول وكأن الشيطان غالب! نسوا الله والسلام والنيه الصافيه. عالم الأرواح عالم النفاق مع العرب والغير عرب. كفايه ملامه. سلام للجميع عندكم والسلام. خرى على الشيطان.
الخميس، 16 حزيران، 2016
Today is:
On 17th I did get the flat keys & the flat with me now. After this Iraqi family Mr. Hamorabi, wife & daughter left, his cozen Mr. Ammar came & took the flat with less rent due to his financial problems asking me to reduce the rental charge 30 JD. I had to agree due to some maintenance that the flat needed & hard to find someone to rent to.
He stayed & been good to me but unfortunately he has some problems due to his situation, he also studying medicine, later he told me he wanted to leave the flat & there is some one wants it & ready to pay the same rental charge. I did give him a visit & saw that the flat totally dirty. Later I found one mattress is gone from the flat & he said that he will replace. Some damages were there & I did not get the key due to his friend that will get the flat. His friend came & I saw him cleaning which pleased me.
Later & after 2 to 3 months he wanted to evacuate & told me one month before. I said no problem. When I went to give him the insurance which was 250 JD& I only had 150 JD & in accordance to him saying reduce 20 JD for the cleaning. So 80 JD I will pay him later on. I wrote him on a paper that I will pay him later.
Yesterday I went to clean & I did spend almost 12 to 13 hours half cleaning. Today I took rest & tomorrow going back for more cleanings. Those Iraqis hardly they were paying the rent due to as stated by them that
Before those Iraqis were those Moroccans & they cost me almost 1200 JD losses in about 6 months And the flat was totally dirty & bugs were there. Just imagine how Arabs are not caring to behave good, dirty & not caring for others properties! The flat was totally furnished & there are furniture consumption. Waste percentage not been included. Those two nationalities is hard to deal with. I wonder are Arabs are a like!
And before those Moroccans were those Jordanian Egyptian two ladies also left the flat without paying 3 months rent!
Even though I say it's okay what I can do! This is my luck. I'm clean when ever I rent any where! Other than that I hate landlords to think I'm not clean or bad. I'm different. When I fix something I do not ask for reduction as how those were doing to me. I pay full rent & mostly in time. I hate my self to be in trouble with any party.
God knows how much I been doing my best to insure straight going in life. And still yet to be blamed! I hate mistakes & others mistakes are there always with me! I'm not proud! But I say what I can do due to such situation of others enforcing me to! In
Today is:
Morning I left to the flat & reached . Now it Just arrived. Still the flat needs more work. Did so much good cleaning today. Waiting tomorrow to start again. 13 to 14 hours work. So tired & exhausted. Having dinner & direct to sleep.
Me & The flat is not the problem. The problem is those voices that keeps asking for how much you want to rent?! They still scans on me & giving me hell of a time during the cleanings. What should I say about
Today is:
Morning I left to the flat & reached . Came back at 10 PM. Worked hard & tomorrow I will go back to finish the cleanings. Kitchen & half of it left.
So tried & just had dinner. Going for a shower & then to sleep for tomorrow. Scrap work in the small room & in the middle room already finished. Kitchen & bath room ceilings left. Then have to clean all the kitchen wooden cupboards in & out. Today I took some bed sheets from there & kept the coverage. Fully furnished. Just imagine 3 year the flat without cleaning! They were living & kept it so dirty! What a students! Lately they kept all windows open & all furniture was full of dust! The kitchen was full of oil & grease! I did work & clean so much. I found new bed sheets with pillow covers for queen size bed. Bran new red color. I brought it with me. Will give it as a present to my sister.
Today is:
decided to stay home due to my fingers in much of pain plus total body.
An email to:,,
Dearest sweetest sister & your husband:
Today: Friday,
The Flat in the 7th circle also needs some money for adjusting, fixing & painting. That minimum will cost in a bout 120 J.D Plus the roof water leaking. I worked so hard for the last few days, almost 12 to 14 hours a day in just cleaning. Now it is okay, clean but not the ceilings & walls. I did scrap but did not finish to fullest. Takes 2 to 4 days to finish.
Hoping some one to call to rent as soon as possible due to financial problems. If I can rent it 3 month payment 400 JD a month will do just fine. Abu Dawood also having money problems! Plus there is bad news from his side, sorry for him. They will start Chemical injections or to cut & remove down below. Cancer make him to feel so angry & un concentrate person. Don’t know what to do! I might get some insult tomorrow. God knows. Bye for now.
Dearest sweetest sister & husband, Today 25th June. Abu Dawood came & gave me JD 10 only! I have to buy some food! He don’t have money & he said that due to his family going to the states, the money he had he paid for them plus I'm on dept with him. You too. His budget is almost empty. He told me that at the end of this month he will get from my aunt salary to pay for her rent & mine as well. Plus he's paying for doctors & his medical situation not good.
I did call my land lord & told him sorry I do not have now & at the end of this month I will pay you. I told him about the flat & from aunt I will pay him. He said keep it morning at the end of this month because I'm leaving for a period of time. I said okay.
This is just to inform you & tomorrow for sure I will go to finish the cleaning till I get some money to do some maintenance. Today I could not go due to less money I had for the transport.
Please call Abu Dawood. This month financial support was totally not good enough to all! I Hope things will be better.
Bye for now, take care & God Bless.
Today is:
Yesterday I came at 12 hours work in the flat. Finished the scrapping & the cleaning work. I did also clean & washed the sofa's of the setting room. Kitchen almost done but the cupboards still & I also had to fill the drinking water container with air. Plus it's not working! Needs repairing.
The oven is clean & the exhaust fan not working. Some maintenance has to take a place. I did scrap the kitchen ceiling.
Little by little money I hardly can work! Plus something in my mind! The rent I did not pay yet! Any how he said I will give you 20 JD tomorrow. I said okay. What else should I say? Tomorrow I will go back & finish what ever I can.
Yesterday I went at & came back at . Worked in the store room & fixed the shelves to wall. Fixed the chair hand & cleaned the dirty kitchen.
The flat is ready to be rented. Some putting & painting still needed. The roof needs water proof white asphalt, white cement with sand mixing for the walls.
I called Abu Dawood & he said tomorrow he will pay me the rent at I said okay. I hope he can keep his promise. Been waiting him for the last 3 days to pay me some money. He is in financial problems. I wonder why he spoke to my brother in-law Yousef to tell him don't send money & we to wait for their arrival to
Just now I took my garbage bag to trough in the street trolley & found an old man at age of 62 to 65 years old coming out from his car to slap a younger person across the street while shouting at him! He stated that the road is narrow & the younger person pickup door was opened! He has to wait & something went wrong both were bla bla bla & the younger went to his pickup to take a big wooden stick to show off stating that you are big & I do respect you & if you were younger I would've showed you how you to slap me! Anger mode in both of them! The old person with his huge body still angry & followed the younger one! People gathered to stop both of them but still both did not respect any of them & shouting at each others! Finally they stopped.
Some people don't have manner even to have a patient! Most Yale's at each others as if they have mental problems. We are in Ramadan month still & both might been fasting. Actually yes most of them are just like that in
I went at & came back at 7:30 pm. Worked in cleaning kitchen, scrapping the bath room ceiling. The flat is totally clean now. On Saturday I'll do some white putting on all the places where I did the scarping & later to paint.
Just got up & thinking what to do today. First I have to buy the white putty from down town & later to go to the flat. Have to wait till for the shops to open in Ramadan. Been thinking about the past & what they did to me, I will resume on the black list updating if I'm allowed. I went & got the white putty, 1&1/2 KG. white cement & 1 kg Gibson at reached to the flat at & came home . I did fix both setting room windows net & bath room. Fixed kitchen & cleaned. Went up to the roof & later I spoke to the neighbor & he said his tank is leaking & tomorrow he will fix. Just now Abu Dawood called & early in the morning he will give me my sister house keys for me to go & clean according to my request due to much debt on me with Abu Dawood JD. 606.
Now I can calculate how many hours & days I did work in the flat:
18th June: 12 hours
20th June: 13 hours
22nd June: 12 hours
26th June: 12 hours
28th June: 11 hours
30th June: 10 hours
2nd July: 8 hours
Total hours for cleaning & some maintenance: 78 hours. A maid takes 15 to 20 JD for 3 to 4 hours work! If I calculate my work JD 20 per 5 hours that comes to: 312 JD. 7 days work. It was so dirty! I wonder how they were living in it? It's their dirt. What a students renting for 3 & 1/2 years without any cleaning! I wish I find good clean people to rent the flat in this time now. 3 bed room, kitchen, bath room, store room & Dining & setting rooms.
I been so good with them all. Furnished flat is so hard to rent due to what stated above. They do not fix or clean where they are living! Iraqis hard to discus with. I have to agree with what they say once they are paying the rent. They cost me almost JD 200 loss other than the cleaning that I did. I also did reduce the rent from 350 monthly to 320 JD for almost last 10 months which made me on debt of total JD 300. Total amount 500 JD loss. They are students & hardly paying the rent. This time I will rent it not less than JD 400 to try to cover my dept's. At least they were not as Moroccan Girls. I also shifted to another location & my rent increased from 20 to 30 JD for the last 3 months, that also effected my stability in finance. The problem is: Where are the good people to rent the flat? And Arabs are acting God's interfering with my own thinking & some from relatives living else where even! Fuck you all Arabs interfering in none of your business. This what
Some walls & ceilings needs white putty & paint after. Kitchen, bathroom, middle room & the small room. The roof needs maintenance. The flat is totally clean now.
An email sent to my sister & her husband:
This is to inform you.
I made some calculation thinking about Iraqi Arabs & the flat I rent to them.
The flat being rented by Iraqi students for almost 3 & 1/2 years. They all were totally students studying in the same college Al Esraa.
The flat been rented by Mr. Hamorabi the 1st person, wife & a baby girl for 350 JD on a monthly bases.
Then this Mr. Ammar came from Hamorabi side & rent the flat in the same fees & later he asked me to reduce due to his financial situation stating back home has a problems. I did reduce 30 JD a month starting from
Calculating the day's & he was a type of asking please please there is some one to rent your flat. I did agree due to the flat needs maintenance & money to put on the flat & to wait for some one to rent the flat. Plus I was totally tired during that period of Tsunami in my bed room. I got shouts from both sister & brother in law in their last visit to
Abu Dawood came & gave me 10 JD because he's leaving to
My Calculation is as follows:
I rent increased in Al Misdar for 3 months with + 20 to 30 JD a month = JD 60
Fixing Washing machine & furniture shifting plus maintenance = JD 130
Rent charge for July = JD 120
Total Loss = JD 610 My expenses are the same!
Total hours for cleaning & some maintenance: 78 hours. A maid takes 15 to 20 JD for 3 to 4 hours work! If I calculate my work JD 20 per 5 hours that comes to: 312 JD. 7 days hard work. My work goes for free always J. The flat needs putty & paint. The roof needs maintenance. Maximum will cost almost JD 120 now. Now it's ready for the maintenance. I will do the maintenance as usual.
The question is: Where are the good people to rent the flat?
That also costs me to recharge the ISP to tell the truth! Is there anything for free? Me for free?
Welcome to
I went at & just came back from my sisters house at . I did clean total ground out side & inside as well as the blocks in the garden. Took all covers of sofa's & bend them to keep them to where they belong. Cleaned the outer windows with water pipe. Opened all windows for air circulation.
Later this the building guard man Mustafa holding Abu Tareq cell phone number 0779097535 came & wanted to clean the outer side ground! I said okay please do, I just cleaned & used the scraper to take all of Plumbs of the ground as well. He said Okay & started to clean. I said better, it will look much cleaner. I saw so much Plumbs below the tree & some were hard & good! The remaining was so soft. I cleaned that & took the good ones but did not touch the tree or to pick from. Later While I was leaving, this Mustafa came & asked if he can pick from the tree! I said okay but there is two big broken stems as you see & be aware to break them more. He said okay but I do not know how those were broken! I said take but leave something to my sister & her husband. They loves to pick from the tree.
He shake the tree & much of Plumbs falls! I told him please do not keep any of them on the ground because I cleaned & took all of what left on the ground! Do not keep anything on the ground because this will bring Insects & bees. Telling him I will come tomorrow to do more cleaning in the house. I left. I also took some grapes. Still not eatable.
Tomorrow I will clean all the windows, dust to end the cleaning job. And later I might pass over to the flat & do some putting white putty job in the kitchen ceiling. Now it's .
Today is:
I went to my sister house at & completely finished total cleaning at Took half glass of gin mixed with cold water. Reached to the flat at walking to & started to work at Did some putty to kitchen, bathroom & bet in the room but the small room I did not touch yet. I had to leave at to come back home. Today last day of Holly Ramadan & tomorrow is Ead Al Fitter. Tomorrow Sister & her husband will be in
Ta ta for now. I did decide to always to update over the internet to you all. Because I'm alone!
Email sent to my sister & her husband.
Yesterday, both sister & her husband came from
Yesterday, I got a call from brother in law to tell me come to us & don’t go to the flat. You work it later. I went, then we went to get breakfast. Had & later their friends from
Today I will go later to check on them & I might take yousef to see the flat & it's roof for some suggestions. As I did say it will cost cement & sand & some white asphalt. About 80 to 100 JD. Plus one electrician to do some wiring for the small room. The leakage in the dining room stopped due to the neighbor fixing his water tank. Things will be okay but some effort from my side. Still we did not speak about the debt over me to Abu Dawood 616 JD. I keep some to carry forward with him till I rent the flat then it'll be okay & to keep both sister & her husband update. There will be insurance plus rent payment from the flat that to cover everything. The main thing is to get some one to rent the flat. A good clean Arab family will do just fine. Within a week the flat will be totally ready.
I went to the flat called my brother in law & he said that he'll come to pick me up from the flat after seeing it & I took him to see the roof.
Went purchased breakfast & went to have it with my sister. Later we had cold beer till 4:00 PM. Later I left & cam home. Tomorrow evening they'll be leaving. Today Abu dawood will reach at night. Tomorrow morning I will go & stay for a while to tell them tat until next visit. After tomorrow I will start with the flat. This time I'm taking my fish to stay with me over there till I finish all work. Maximum it'll take me another one week. I will sleep there. Hoping some one will show to rent.
Went early in the morning, did some putty in the dining room. Later went to my sister house had breakfast along with their lovely son Richard having a nice talk all together in different subjects.
Was fine day & till we started to clean for their departure. Left them & wished them all the best & safe journey. They left to airport & me took some left over to the flat & came back home & reached .
Tomorrow I will go to the flat taking my 3 fish & one snail to the flat for few day to stay over there to accomplish all the flat remaining work. Abu Dawood gave me some left over of white paint that might be used. He's doing okay with me, sister & her husband. I don’t know exactly how much money my brother in law gave to him. My sister was a bit angry due to much of dept but I think she did understand my point & I wish she don’t take it other wise from my side. Something happened & it's over. I hope thing now will be okay. Ead is over now & no visitors. I have to concentrate on the work I do. I wish there won't be any interfering in what I'm doing. I need a free mind to finish all the work. If they start to interfere means there'll be unwanted mode for me to free my mind from which effects my mentality while I'm working. But even though I will continue the work. I do not need any spy's intruders which effects my inner thinking of what I'm doing on the spot! Most were doing this to me! During this period of time some people might call & ask about the flat. I might be in lot of tensions. They have to solve their problems with their God! God to help us all! What this brain connections for? Shit brains are many. Apes & Satanism's. What this www.seasame is doing to all? Making all to have fun! Suffer! To create more Bla Bla Bla! For what?
What a waste! Even to souls!
Tomorrow it'll be last day of time period of Internet connection & later I have to purchase to recharge the ISP. Tomorrow I wont be here! Means today I have to finish the balance by doing some downloading of programs, games & what ever.
Number: Zain
حرصا منا على تمتعك بمزايا خط زين و الإنترنت على الموبايل,
ولتجنب فصل الخط جزئياً غداً
I just got this message. J
Four to five day's later I will start to update again by remembering what I gone through in those days. On Monday, Abu dawood will pass to check the work & to give me some money to complete all the purchases. Today I did some purchases while coming home. Bye for now.
Today is: Monday, July 11, 2016
Yesterday I left to the flat in the after noon. Stayed there & slept after much of Putty & painting job for both ceilings, bath room & Kitchen plus the dining room wall water leakage. Here in Jordan they don’t care much of their water tanks! They do not repair on the spot. This problem My dead mother been suffering much from. Owners of the flats not fixing & those who rents their flats also complaining about them! I'm in between! Both are faults. I to suffer fixing! This type of problems is so obvious! They just careless! This time I will Adjust the tares (Roof) with as usual white asphalt for the ground & to do the surrounded enclosure or fence walls. They are in about 15 Meters in length. Have to use black cement mixed with sand to cover after cleaning. Quite a work job. I might get me one worker to help! An hour before I came back home. During my stay in the flat & while working, much of whispers that interfere in what I been doing! I Ignore at most of times. What a wastage that increases more tension nonsense double & make it triple work on me which makes me to loose concentration & me to feel as if I'm at their commands! That is so bad & makes me angry for them to learn & interfere in what I'm doing. I did do my best in that flat. Those who are connecting us together are the demons. Your brain of those who are connected to me are creating what? All of you are nothing but shit. Wasters. Trying to act as Gods over me! Shame on you all. Making my life so much in pain which affects my capabilities & confidents as well. Fuck you all.
Worked till 6:00 AM & slept till 12:15 PM.
Working alone in the flat in the same way when those shit Moroccans when they left the flat. Worked almost for two months till I found some one to rent it. They ran away Without paying & I do believe they are still in Jordan. They are a part of Apes & Satanic. I have rights over them till now! What this brain connections are doing? The observers having a nice entertainments over my suffering. Fuck you shit www.seasame of Jordan. Yes members & observers! Where are my rights? All of you are God less & Satanism's. Using Satan work to do what? What's all about? Enforcing me to politics! What! Welcome to Jordan! All of you has to confess. Fuck you shit King & shit Queen of Jordan. Shove your ministers in both of your assholes. Yes United Nations! Who's doing & still doing this to me? Would there be a 3rd world war?
This time only maintenance to the flat & some to the furniture. Yes shit Mr. Zubaee & Shit Mr. Horani! Having fun working in sesame you shit Apes & Satanism as well? Shove your Jordan 1st & we all Jordan logos in your assholes. Nice Jordan constitution fucking God's law of creation & life constitution! For what? Nice Movie or a business! Kill all you shit un humans if you want.
Still much work is there. Tomorrow afternoon, Abu Dawood (My cousin husband & he has a recent cancer in urinary bladder) will come to give some money for me to buy another bucket of 5 KG of white putty & white paint to end the flat work. Later I will ask for more for the roof. I used the left over paint from Abu Dawood to do the ceilings & what remains is for primer coat. The small room I did not touch yet. Tomorrow I will end it's work. Abu Dawood told me that my aunt came from the states 3 days before! We were in my sisters house, all were there & it was a departure day to my sister, husband & their son Richard going back to Kuwait. So far I did not give a visit nor a phone call due to no balance in my cell phone, tomorrow I will call to say hi. Bye for now.
Today is: Tuesday, July 12, 2016
Got up at 9:00 AM waiting for Abu Dawood to come to give some money for me to purchase White putty & white paint & later to go to the flat. This time I will take my fish with me over there. Later I will come to update in here.
Today is: Monday, July 25, 2016
Came back since the last update. The flat totally painted, adjusted & some maintenance done. The roof totally adjusted walls & ground. My skin changed to dark while working in dam hot under the burning sun. Sand & cement gets dry so fast which made me to take much time covering the walls. So far total cost 130 JD. Did my best. Drinking water is okay now but the oven filter motor need replacement. Some cupboard & table needs oil paint. 2 days after I will go back to continue such work. The flat is ready for renting since 5 day's back. I broth the motor to take it to down town to check for replacement. So far I did not meet my aunt, I might in the evening so hot out side.
Today is: Tuesday, July 26, 2016
I slept well & rested, now it's 7:30 AM. Thinking to go to down town to replace the motor & do some food shopping. I will give a visit to my aunt today. Yesterday I paid the rent, water & elect JD 120. I still have to pay JD 7 for the electricity to that flat. I went & found a replacement for the filter motor with it's case plus the filter. I did purchase a second hand one.
Tomorrow or after tomorrow I will go back to the flat. I did take some flat & roof photos to show later. Went I saw my Aunt & she's okay, sat with her for a while & she's fine. I'm still tired! The hot sun sucked my energy & made me to feel so lazy in the last 4 day's & burned me much. I'm so old for such work (from 5:30 AM to 6:00 PM) & later some food, shower & sleep. Worked till my hands stops. The work is done. Ground granted for 4 to 5 years to last as well as the walls. Did a good work. Now I'm Mr. Brown. My 2 fish died & the small one with the snail came back home with me. They are safe now in the aquarium. Felt bad. Bye for now.
Today is: Wednesday, July 27, 2016
Went at 12:30 PM & came at 8:00 PM Fixed the filter, & ended the remaining roof work. Tomorrow I will go back to clean the floor in the flat. I might sleep in the flat. I might go to pick some grapes from sister house.

The building administration (Flats Owners) does not make any maintenance to the building roof & not fixing their tanks leakage! But not all of them. Shame on them all (Owners & those who rents). Arabs are really shame. With this I end this update about the flat maintenance. Waiting for some one good to rent the flat. Shifting to update 2. Love you all. Bye for now.