Rigged crooked total system & total brains. What a life story!
My Life Story! I'm getting old! (Part 3):
American Arabs (Palestinian Jordanian) & what are they doing?
Here below where the problems started again with me:
One day some one Called Dawoud Al Asmar who been in
The U.S.A & Canada as he stated. Wanting to live in
His type keeps speaking much complaining about past & what he gone through in U.S.A & Canada. He brought subjects that I can't understand & he been involved with so much problems. He was not working. He wanted ADSL Internet connection saying that he will pay for it. I saw that he needed some help so I said ok. During scan & bla bla period with pain.
Few day's later I found that he's up-normal a type who create problems & I used to advice: Don't but he kept on. He's a type who not respect any person & he bla bla much about all. A type that can't have a friend. His past is shit & he turned to be as his past. He fools every body & thinks that with this he to live as he wanted.
Increasing the sound of his speakers vibrates the apartment in almost everyday even while I'm sleeping & I'm not saying anything to him. During Scan & bla bla period with pain.
Acting as if he belongs to a rich family & supported by U.S.A Government & having some problems with F.B.I. Mistakes from U.S.A Government assuming that he has rights, wanting to sue the Government.
He kept bla much about this subject knowing that others scans on me & wanting me as a connection to them even! Let him eat his shit. I had enough from such shit minded people that uses me for their own problems. During Scan & blab la Period with pain.
Not paying the monthly ADSL fees, stating that this is his problem with them because they cheats on him even though it's under my name. His type is the one who cheats on all assuming all cheating on him. But he used to pay the room rent. I had to stay shut because I'm in-need of money. During Scan & bla bla Period with pain.
One day I wanted to rent the apartment the other two room & leave to find else where to live.
Guess what he been saying. It is not allowed I have rights & I don't want any body to share with me my life. And in-order to make me to leave your apartment, you have to give me 3 months notice to find another apartment stating that this is the law in Jordan because he asked some one who works with the Government C.I.A of Jordan which can make so much problems to me. Several times I used to tell him to leave but he didn't. During Scan & bla bla Period with pain.
One day while I been sleeping, I heard lot of voices in the apartment late at night. Children girls shouting & TV on with full sound. So I got up & It Was Or !
So late. Asking my self who are they? Where from they come from??
Opening my room door, Hearing doors closes. So I went to the setting room & found blue movies in TV (Hustler Channel). With so much sound. I did reduce the sound & sat for a while trying to understand what is going on. Suddenly a small aged poor type boy un civilized came to me & asked who is him? I said he's David (Dawoud) don't you know him?
He said is he your friend? I said he's living & I rented a room. All what he said ok & left to the other room! So they used the other room for them. Who the hell gave them permission to enter the apartment been wondering! & to use the room other than the shit David. Both rooms are closed & now there is no voices in the apartment. Went to the bath room to find the shower basin full of water! So I said to my self go to sleep & in the morning find out what's all about!
So I slept & in the morning went to kitchen to do some dish washings & cleaning the miss in the setting room. While thinking who are they. During the scan. Knowing some are witnessing & understanding of what I'm going through. Saying to my self, once they know everything of me & what I'm going through. The truth is the truth. Where is my privacy or secrecy?
While I'm standing in the kitchen, a nice good looking lady dressing Black Abaya asking me for a cigarettes & I said sorry I ran out of, I don't have any. She said sorry for the miss we just wish to go for some shopping & then to leave. I said ok. During the scan & bla bla period with pain.
Now Dawoud (DAVID) wakes up comes to me in the setting room & say's did you see how beautiful she is? I love her aunt. Their family are whores. I know there family & they know me.
How about them to stay inside the other room & they to pay you 5 J.D every day? I said no I want them out. They are a type who are so much noise making plus no need. Then they came back & Dawoud taking them to his room, giving them instructions, bringing them to me to ask that they wanted to rent the other room. They said: We will behave our selves & we want for few day's only. We will pay you 5 J.D per day & no one to bring visitors. I Said What the Hell, I'm in-need of money. Few day's makes no harm.
Calling Wetness Because Dawoud Been Creating Problems to Me. I Don't Know What He's After. Any how those few days passed with So much shit Lousy apartment with so much disturbance. Daily bases telling Dawoud tell them to leave. During scan period, Adnan Hamad was a witness because I called him. Didn't know what to do! I had enough. Finally telling them but they insisted to say one more day every day on a daily bases pegging to stay!
So I did accommodate them for 3 to 4 days. So much Bla Bla from them all. She wanted to drink! Any how all of them used me. What they were after? Why they been doing this? Naughty they were & un civilized at all. Finding out that them ran a way from their family & having problems with! With this I said shut up all just leave. As I knew they were a family. As been tolled by Dawoud. Next day they left. During scan period.
Any how Dawoud threatened me twice by showing off that he has muscles & he can nail me with one punch & to take me out from the ceiling other than bad words & stating that I'm stupid & cowered. because I wanted him to leave the apartment.
Knowing his past that he assume he gone 2 years in jail in U.S.A for a car theft & he is honest as he say's ( GOD KNOWS ) how should I know. So I called my friend Adnan Hamad twice & he brought his friend Jalal with him 2 times & came to me & said keep him, there won't be any problems just let go both of you.
Because this is what he Is. I tried before, all these problems that he caused to my life to make him to leave. But at the end as he wanted I did give him 3 months to leave. I don't want this type of life with some one like him. Still I want money from him almost JD.170 During scan period.
One day after, she called Dawoud mobile asking for me! So he knocked my door saying that she wish to speak to you. I said I don't wish to Speak to her I don't know them they know you. But he insisted saying may be it's important. She said you are a good person I just want to speak to You I'm on my way I just want to take one hour only from your time please. I asked why? She said please! So I said ok & she did not come.
Next day at night, while I'm at my room sleeping I heard voices & some one knocking my room door & hard it was on me.
Telling me open the door, this is POLICE.
So I wake up & opened the door. Saying to my self what's now? Again more problems? They did not give me a chance to understand & they were rushing showing his I.D That he is Police Investigator & They are
here for house checking for drugs.
I'm wondering why?
Putting my hands behind my back with cuffs, questioning & asking where are the Drugs & so on with this duty of theirs. Telling them I don't have any don't waste your time! Check the house please.
They checked everything & took my passport.
So they took what they wanted from the house, I don’t know! Taking us both for investigation, writing what we say, me in a separate room. Asking me about the girls & I did state everything I knew & said the truth & nothing else. They released us, dropping us close to the building. Then this Dawoud started with me wanting to know what I said & so on. I said enough ZIG ZAG with me. I'm tired & Want to Sleep.
During this period Madcore Al Kabariti called me to work with him. So I accepted his offer & started to lLearn from him & work to my best ability. Coming home finding the main door of the apartment open un locked. While Dawoud buying few things from supper market. I had to wait for those 3 months to end plus he has to pay for the ADSL.
after almost one month & half.
Police called me we need you for more questioning & I said I'm at work why? What's wrong? So he said give me your work address & I did. Madcour was out & busy. I were alone at the office.
They tolled me to call & you to close the office to come with us.
so I been to Jail for about 15 day's. Later on Madcore came & released me, took me home. During the scan period.
I found all room closed didn't sleep thinking that Dawoud still in his room while he shouldn't because the 3 months passed.
So I called Madcore & he said go to the office tomorrow & we will try to solve the problem next day. So I went without a sleep doing some work & later he & his friend came with me to the apartment breaking the door of my other room because the door was locked & were damaged (Some one were trying to open but did not & the key
can't open). During scan period.
Then I found out that Dawoud Al Asmar did bad things to the neighbors breaking &trying to break her door & The main door of the building. He been taken to jail for one year.
Here I am back with Madcour Al Kabarieti working honestly with giving the best I could. During this period I had a visitor to rent the entire Apartment. An american lady a muslim one & her name Mrs. Hidey wanting the Apartment. She been so good & I keep her in my mind for being good. I also been so good & newly furnished the apartment with what I could because she gave a one year rent in advance. Her money I used to furnish the aApartment & made some maintenance. I did my best & kept some small smount because of my expenses & still there is court waiting. During scan period.
Living in a hotel, paying daily bases for about 2 & half months. My life completely changed. Accepting this sorrow & pain, saying to my self that : One day I'll be okay. The time was so rush to me, working, adjusting the apartment & renting. I did my best & God helped me. I was alone. Good friend assisted me. Now the time has come & still I have some money that I kept with Madcour from the apartment rent.
Court Time! The judge judged on me 2 Months & I have to pay the fine. So Madcour came & paid. With this my money ended with him, Finally found good people to accommodate me in Jabal Al Hussain, hardly surviving with so much pain still. During scan period.
Finally I had to leave working with Madcour for almost seven months. Due to some reasons in between. Other than what I have seen in office TV screen. The wall paper on PC. They brought it to alive in TV. With some effect. The wall paper is this Madcour shaking hand with the King Abdullah II & some people around watching. My Jordanian passport not with me still!
Now Saleh Al Sanea calls (A hunter) & I tell him, I want my passport & I don't have money to go to Madaba Police Station to collect. So one day he came & took me & I brought my passport back. Now it's with me. During scan period.
Now I'm doing some accounting for Saleh Al Sanea plus a web page designing. Trying to survive. He pay's me 5 J.D every 2 or 3 or 4 day's.
Finding some one to rent the apartment, girls from
During Scan Period. I got some relief.
Tell now I don't know how much I have depts. To pay ADSL or the contract of Mrs. Hidey expired because it was for one year. Even the Telephone Line is dead. That I will check when ever I have money to check out with. During scan period.
Since when the law of justice against the truth? Answer this question. Why I had to suffer this much all these years? In who's law?
Who makes victims? Who play's Satan or God? Who play's with a Human brain? Who play's with Human Destinies? Who decide War & Peace? Who Attack Civilians? Who makes shit out of all mankind? Who the one who's against God's well & wish? Who still play's in the sky?
I am a victim with no privacy or secrecy that still suffers for what?
Why don't you all stop it? Stop beaming on me lousiest shit from Jordan Sky.
Fuck you NASA programs. Where is my sins or mistakes?
Where is the good well? NASA programs is a definite
Human Killing Programs & they used it creating
I cant take this any more.
There are demons above me. Please. I suppose to keep some events secrete to all! Let go please.
Go to hell Satellite Station people & let your Voodoo Wheel of yours to go along with you all shit Arab Governments to hell. Isn't this what you all want?
Let your {{ 1) Rain Brain Scan 2) Dynamic Eye's 3) Tele-Transporter & Sound Matching Mixing Recordings}} to let the entire world wide to sue you all. It is an International Case now. Who's going to stop it? Once still doing this to me. We just entered the year 2009 & still you focusing on me! You too go to hell. Who still wish to play? Gain more shit! Where is GOD?
All of this, the United Jordanian Artists showing them selves to me! In streets, in Trading Complexes & some in ordinary shops. Nice Movie!
What about the International United Nations Artistes
such as Shakiera, Michel Jackson, Britney Spears & many more such as
Enrique Eglesias following me to India to have a nice function in Goa other
than Braein Adams in Bangalore! Some Lebanese Singers & much of songs
speaking about me! Songs saying Let It Rain Even in the Brain! I heard it in
some radio channel in
It is a trap that Arabs trapped them selves by them selves. They yet to pay much to the whole world wide. They as usual as how they are, nothing but losers. Even they loose God's Heaven!
This what they wanted this what they to gain! Who planted to gain what planted.
I am not against any, this is my true story written while I'm still under scan. Today 7th, Jan 2009.
Hardly can concentrate writing this, due those whom
I'm writing about giving hell of a time to me! Once brain connections from
Magnetic field. Fuck you all shit brains. Why been trapping me all of these
years? Shit Muslims & shit Christians felling
Ladies & Gents:
At first there was God, then life started by God by building the entire Universe. What we see is lot of Galaxies & Planets. Stars are there as well life been created by The Mighty God in many protected Planets in many Galaxies.
This planet Earth is only one Planet in a single Galaxy along with some Planets & the most important is the Sun & our moon. All planets goes & keeps going around the Sun. Our planet Earth turns one complete circle a round the sun = 365 days = one year. Other Planets different! To keep this Planet of ours living to run to live & we to live & die with.
There are many shaped life's in the space, such as Humans & Aliens looks different & some looks a bet like us. God who knows more than us because we remains limited in our thinking even though we modify, amend, study, think, live & die while learning from each another's & within our self's. But God is unlimited in own way. Perfect & created us self built in growing, thinking, moving, dreaming & so on.
Communities with different believes, traditions, histories, past learning, peace & war, new inventions & trade with are still limited in compare to God. Once believing in how God is great, wise people started to understand.
There were miracles in life to create religions to praise God & not to fight. Religions should not fight, but in history we found war as some said is between religions, but it is not. Politics, traditions & Satan that took a place in minds. Who created war? Satan Devil. God the one who created. Should Satan be God & even though can win?
So stupid minds that listen to Satan. Shit minded apes they are & not Humans.
Technology getting more advanced day by day, year & years yet to come. But in these day's, we Humans, what we are running our life with? All what I see is approaching to different war a definite one every day same madness keeping many people in bed to suffer as many! God to them punishing them & talk all about them within selves. Many victims died just because of such virus. Is this a Human Nature to kill each others?
Humans need concentration in their life's. Not many sounds to enter their brains. One world can create much of words with much questions, answers, subjects & discussions that never ends. What life is it now since 10 years & more. Some one might die & then what to say? The question is was it natural?
Once a Human cant decide or to think wisely, dream with fear, body torturing & no destiny to go on within a Human mind! & Satellite that still beams on the brain & voices in brain, brain scan (Thoughts, dreams & thinking) & connect to other brains (Humans, apes & animals) or to media (TV, radio, speakers, opened air, rooms) or both together, which creates lot of disturbance between Human brains & their destinations! Then there will be no goal to go for. Creates lot of problems, lot of wonderings, lot of talk, lot of corruptions & lot of Bla Bla Bla as what had happened in the past (Babylon City That God Cursed). Is it grace or curse from God now?
How did I come out with the above mentioned? Because I'm the victim & gone through it all for the last almost 10 years & more. 8 years of so much pain (Each Second in Each Minute in Each Hour in Each 24 hours Every day) passed already. One day almost one year of pain in 24 hours. anon stop fear.
NASA programs that made such secrete weapon in a one package & build the equipments that the package runs from above & within a single Satellite such as what we have here in Jordan (Hashim One or Two) maybe more. The package is a punch of programs as the follows:
1) Rain Brain Scan.
2) Tele-Transporter.
3) Recordings .
4)Sound Matching Mixing.
5) Dynamic Eye's.
TV. Still they are playing with up to now! That insane TV. More un wanted like to be switched on other than the brain. WHY? I stopped watching for the last almost lets say 5 years. Then here I started to look at but still interference is there from the upper influence. It is a Secret Weapon controlled by the Satellite Station by those Satan's who wish to make war. Those who uses such weapons are Demands, Terrorists, Killers & Blackmailers, Thieves & Shit.
Those who is killing Humans faith in God & against God. Don't want peace! Such programs brought nothing but shit to all. No peace or war or money or trade or business but waste of many life's & time.
How God should ever forgive such mistake of Electronic Government? What was or is & still the reason for me to suffer this much in day & night with no secrets or privacy?
--------Smelling my own brain burns even!--------- Kill me then. & kill all as well!!!!!!
God To Help Us All:
Once there was a man who's past was scanned, he suffered so much more than any mankind in day & night been praising you God. All Human's Histories that he loved, peace since childhood which been loved by good hearts & minds. He at all times with own God & Angels from God's wish.
Once he was attacked & he him self showed the existence of all love & peace. God & Angels cries from heaven, tears by sky with no season for all to feel.
God loves all mankind, all to one at the end. We live here & there, God where ever is in this life. Satan in the sky, which keeps turning round & round by those behind the shadows who are in the caves.
Technology & power in the sky, been attacking us all. Praising God Mighty God, just to keep us alive. A Human brain, Rain Brain Scan, Tele-Transporting thoughts & dig drain the past.
Memories remains just to keep us in shame, Electro Magnetic Radiation that hurts Human Soul but also killing us all.
Dynamic Eye's by Satan in the sky, reached with electric to the brain to give the pain.
No privacy no secrecy in the brain, what shame should be blamed?
NASA programs build in Satellite in the sky the Voodoo Wheel with none stopping the drill. Having fun & destroying mankind by the killers in the Station. Breaking God's Law of Creation just to prove the radiation.
God shows & say's who's against me, shamed Satan take away. But so far still not going away Oct, 2010 day & night runs here & there, killing families from here to there. How can God The Real God To Forgive. It is unforgivable sins & mistakes still going on.
Thank you God for now & then, we don't need other Satan's in the sky or brains.
In who's law this man (Me) to suffer this much? His brain eaten by all mankind brains. Now & then memories remains to us all to curry forward for now & then. At the end where it takes us all? Keep it saved in your brains.
It is history that all denies, shame to all who can't understand.
God the greatest since early beginning, shame to us all to have fun & joy with this Satan in the sky. There is good & bad everywhere, but life after death has heaven & hell. God the only one who judge us all at the end, shows justice to go on now & then. Angels many remains the upper souls never dies. Human souls goes to hell & heaven to join what remains & some keeps on dying now & then. God how great you are. Telling us come to my heaven & many Satan's killing many of your good creation.
We praise you God to help us to stay with you, help us to make it to heaven. Thank you God for being with us since child hood, our existence is the prove. What is the reason for this much still suffering, no clue at all.
Wise mankind here & there, fights Satan's by your help & care.
But Voodoo Wheel In The Sky still keeps turning now but not then, at the end God you to remain. Finally those in the cave has to stop killing all. No business with Satan or his followers. Good hearts & minds never dies.
In the Planet of Apes, the hero is the human (HUMAN). Say last wisdom "Damn You All, Look What You've Done". Should we be a part of this planet?
By: Nabil Zegord Konz Kurt Polaski
To be continued….4