The Time Machine
One question to solve this idea of a time machine: Can a human go to the past or to the future & live in past time or in future time? Am I watching a movie? A human brain can be a time machine of it's own past that lived with memories to call the past for its own present. But never has memories from the future that never lived with yet.
Who wishes to go to the past & change or to prove anything from a human brain? This human brain can not be called a time machine! There is no such a thing to be called a time machine but a restore point that used by a PC windows operating systems can be called a time machine. If a human brain gone with
NASA Package:
Rain Brain Scan, Dynamic Eyes & Tele-Transport for some reason & yet to be connected along with other brains that create madness in the air other than torture system from above Satellites & its secrete weapon plus from different types of people surrounding brain systems living in different locations in our planet! Electrons in the air effecting our brains!
This is truly madly deeply do (A song by Savage Garden).
This human suffers from such systems, truly suffering from nonsense wastage of time & living in so much nightmare! Such systems totally guilty by doing this to him (Me).
All Gods above my soul? For how long? Am I a business to such systems? Shame on all of these systems. Plus Electronic Harassments! Memories remain. History still we living in can be brought to all in the future! Who did this? DANGER.
It is a breakage of total God's law of creation to all mankind, all religions & total human rights! Life constitution under attack.
It is a Satan Work. What is the reason such systems still active over me? What is the excuse now? This is a terror activities still going on! What God says at this time?
Brain time machine
Seek below link:

I had been enforced by my own faith in many past years. God, Peace = Freedom to go on with. Global Wise. Should I deny my self? I am a human & nothing else. Poor or rich! Does it matter? G.O.D is what to me? Total big issue.