My Life Story! I'm getting old! (Part 5):
Tamer seemed so nice person & he is going straight in life. He also stated that he don’t speak to his father. He only cares for their names & his father who did this to me. He also said that he is working out side Jordan in Abidjan close to Russia & last year he been looking for me. I gave him a copy of what his father wrote to me when he took the money stating about the Jd. 2800 in the year of 2003 the year when my mother died.
They left & all were happy. It's like clarification that still going on. Now I can fix my below teeth. Thank you God.
Merry Christmas & A happy New Year for every Body.
Tamer also stated that Nidal Sharkas died last year, & they want big amount from him & cant be refunded. Actually, this Nidal been brought to me by his father Assim to cheat on me by $ 1000 almost Jd. 700 at that time. So this Jd. 700 I cant get back. I been trapped by many people. Trap after trap since that time. Both of them started it on me. This is my luck that been controlled by many brains. All were & still guilty.
So I did manage to save the Jd. 250 apartment insurance + reserving the Jd. 500 which been paid by Tamer Hadadien. Jd. 750 Balance with Elias. Post bonding teeth fixing till end of January, 2014. Because I'm not sure until I be paid the apartment rent at the end of January, 2014. My consumption of electricity is the same but got two bills completely different than what used to be of monthly Jd. 5! Last month Jd 14.8 & this month Dec Jd 12.5! Now I have to pay the difference of Jd. 17. The land lord said they increased the electricity since last two months, they up raised it.
My ant say's that people suing the minister of
electricity & she got a Jd. 10 bill. Funny I don’t consume much! Something
wrong going on! Plus I'm shifting to another location end of Jan where I can
have better safer peace brain & a better sleep.
Things are not clear to me & there are changes happening. 1st Gas price up rise & compensation are there for all! Then now Electricity with no compensation at all! & guess what! This year they changed the time.
In the Arab world, 2 Satellites "Arab Sat from Lebanon & Nile Sat from Egypt" broadcasting many channels from different countries broadcasting over them & most been zigzagging on us all & there are lot of misusing while broadcasting in our houses by some sort of interrupting programs by connecting to human brain with the broadcasting in any channel in those 2 satellites other than strokes & strikes from above. Other than inputting-outputting of recorded voices from location to another to create danger life. They misusing our brains & trapping us all. Brains to keep judging as if acting Gods while it is apes acting. Since when apes deserve to have any religion to create endless up coming subjects. Arabs got talented! J
I hate waste & I hate to trap or to be trapped & I don’t belong to any of them. Wishing to stay far away from problems. A human self respect is a national security. Like to stay home alone. Stop asking the lonely by your brains or by upper shit satellites radio activities "Upper Zoom with rays & waves" to create a planet of apes. I do not need any channel to play with my mind while I'm at home or else where any more.
What administrations of those 2 satellites? Let them
to face the world wide investigators "It is a world wide issue since
started" since beginning & there are different types of satellites
& all were rushing for business. The question is what type of business it
is? Arab countries are in the middle of this planet. Look at earth map. K Who
is under attack? Creating countries of no where. Acting reacting, cause of
causalities & a wheel of them to go on! Networks Of Wastage to create
viruses & bugs. Such as the energy burst caused by U.F.O's to our planet as
the clip showed over
We stick with the good way for living to stay always with God & with Peace.
At first God was there. Big difference between good & bad, & life full of them. Which way you want it? I don’t like any one to play with my brain nor with my soul or destiny from any source. I don’t like to be under attack by any of the above mentioned. God Bless Humans & yet to keep on cursing the apes for ever.
Guess what! They all are still learning from my brain using their scanning brains. Brains of hunger. Should I keep on saying my peace mission is accomplished on a daily basis to all of those brains? I respect people & I don’t want to hate all. I want to live my life. I'm not a slave to any of this shit. Stop slavering me you shit apes.
A human nerve system under attack. Others are thinking as if it is a joke. There are people dying. Stop the killings & stop taking your selves to definite hell. I do not belong to any organization & I hate terror activities . World wide committee & United Nations are living beings. Humans. What about the higher courts?
Whose judging once all acting as God's above my soul & since a long time back?
I did not ask for this owner. Is it the real God wish?
Ask your selves. What a virus took over in our planet!
Maybe God brought us those U.F.O's from other galaxies from far away planet to prove to us that they are much more advanced than our satellites & the secret weapons acting with their Zooms from the upper space. Aliens do have an existence & did approach to our planet. Maybe they believe in God more than us & they have their own civilization & very much advanced technologies. After all, God remains the greatest. U.F.O's also has history of their visits to our planet! "check the internet Pls." & since a long time back since 1950's. Encyclopedia is there for all seek such knowledge.
U.F.O's been observe by even civilians on ground lately with their video camera's & been publishing those clips over the Internet. Small round white objects due to the far distance. Not all those clips are fake. God creation & Universe was made by God. Believe it or not J, some people don’t believe even in satellites even though they are using internet & watching movies over satellite channels. Due to their old fashion old brains & less knowledge of such technologies still acting as dummies & quarrel much while learning. Are they cheating & self cheating & yet to act as apes! & still teasing me & some wanting to feel horny & all witnessing on each others & still wet. What a jungle life! & they are creating country of Apes out of their brains. Wasting life & creating hopeless, sickness to all & even to them selves & to their families.
It's all about God & peace to all mankind. Fuck you all brain sucker, creating lot of Bla Bla even to lecture others even in the streets acting teachers to each another's & ignoring God! & to create madness in the air other than viruses & different types of! Now which way they want it? Should I suffer more? It's over, my life gone on waste! What else do they want? I'm saying this is pull shit & wastage. Is there anything for free? I'm not for free shit apes. & all seeking money! Should I explain reasonability & satisfaction means what? Those two words human brain should understand. They want more & more for how long? Shame on you all. It is a trap trapping us all as if not wanting God for tomorrow in order for Satan Virus to take over. Our planet in danger. All to behave as humans. One small lens in the space can burn you all if the sun rays goes through it believe it or not. Enough micro wave oven rays. We are not chickens or turkeys cooking us! & stop NASA PACKAGE "Rain Brain Scan, Dynamic Eyes & Telle-Transport" over mankind. & stop plying with human memories to create what shit brains? What a planet of APES. Damn you all, look what you all have done. Such telescopes or zooms are also been used in some movies from the upper space & also been used through wild life loin or apes eyes while eating or walking in the jungle in National Geographic Satellite Channel "it's right there before your eyes in Tv. So obvious. Now a days on humans. Such programs are full of viruses. Your eyes are liquid lenses & a cam to some satellites. Many singers are singing the same to advice nations in all languages even. What! People don’t listen to songs! I been hurt so much & fallen sick many times.
Enjoy your lives. Be good humans with God's Peace.
Happy New Year 2014 & God Bless.
11:15 Am Local time.
So before a while I saw some gang 4 young boys aged
between 8 to 12 years old, one of them been smoking walking across the street
coming from down below where the school is beside the church, while I'm setting
on the stairs beside my main door connecting to Face book. They did approach to
the wall behind me & sudden spit filled my laptop screen while I was
typing. I kept quiet as if nothing happened. From their shapes I can make out
they are dirty Muslims. What are their families? No witnesses were there. This
what type of Muslim children in
Washed my lap top from Ape shit. This what people in this area is like. I will take some photos where I'm living to show where this location is in Al Ashrafia.
Today is
A human in life has two options:
1-To live with God (fact, logic & heavenly good well with all good people) to live in peace & to ignore all brains in a mixer.
2-To die with Satanic satellite networks a mafia of a black international market full of (lies, artificial real viruses & terror all times with different "Electronic Harassments" )
a planet of apps forcing you to jungle fake life & can kill you at any time even while you are sleeping by a stroke targeting heart, brain & any location of a human body or a living location even. Look at the viruses they are creating us all in world wide & a lot of crazy brains around, as if all are God's.
A secret weapon in the space. Which way you want it? I am a human, who created me! Satellites or God? Human brain has two sides (good created God & bad created Satan) I speak world wide peace better than 3rd world war to start all over again as it started along time back & still going on. God to help us all. What we need? Assassins or a rescue team? No one going to win anything good with Satan. No one has the right to play with a human brain; after all, it is a Satan Savage Network. Can they bring those who they killed to life & back to their families? Can they pay for the wasted time of ours? Can they pay for what they took from our brains? God remain the greatest, not the world wide killers umbrella of satellites to be the greatest.
My destiny in life been giving me less chances even to support my self. It was bad & still it is, due to EH. Still they are active on me.
Pretending all are God's & as if I'm the only human that lives with much of sorrow & pain. Never been given a chance to be me. & all the time to be corrected. Satellites still active on me even taking my dreams & inner thinking.
Thief's, murderer, demons & Stan work above human nature even. Knowing what I'm thinking to do for tomorrow. What else to say. Living in fear most of time. People talk never ends & creates more mental problems to us all.
So I speak peace most of times. Better than to be trapped all over again by them. I hope this ends. They created hell of a time & took what ever they wanted. Making me to live as they want in a fake life by force. What a national security
Taking our secrets from our brains. Did they pay for what they take? Never ever they do that. Faking us all. We stick with facts & logic life much better dear. God Bless us all.
My peace mission is accomplished. all in a CD. God knows that too
I start to try to live my normal life back again. Facts & logic life if I have the chance to do so, trying my best. (waiting) Alisa Arabic songs is there too. All of her songs. I call her an angel voice. Recent songs explains everything as well the old ones. All against EH. Believe me.
NANA Songs. Bob Marley Songs. Michael Jackson & most of singers. EH been since a long time. Don't worry, be happy.
You know, Face Book can keep a good record of any human history. Can update with what ever goes on a daily bases experiences & events. Can share much of advices & stories to share with friends, relatives & family as well. Can share others with comments, likes & share to own Face Book, combining variety of issues, concepts & believes as well. Can issue a story of past, present & what ever thing to later on "future". Can share own feelings with others by posts, pictures & video clips, can chat with friends from all over. It is a good site for many to interview others over it by questions & answers or messages as well. One thing left, audio/cam video not there.
Just imagine, some one dies, leaves a history behind in here for others to recall. Memories remain for good friends & beloved ones. Such (EH) Electronic Harassment creates viruses plus fear in a human brain, not allowing to write or express own feeling or what really going on with. Though it hurts, still doing my best to write what ever I want. Naturally I have the full rights to keep on blaming them for not giving me the chance to be me like even though while I'm alone as if intending to fake what I write. This also faking all mankind history if we want to think about.
No privacy, no secrecy & thief's what comes to mind plus their comments hurts the nature of a human creation to loose concentration. As if they all are Gods.
Satellites from above & all kind people talk from
surroundings, other than who ever whispers in brain. Suffering to keep a
history of comments under so much pressure. It was like that since a long time
back to me. Still Satellites are active knowing what I'm doing. Even from
memories, dreams & thinking they sneak to gain for free as if a subject to
share, with me or with them selves & with others. This also I call a
plus EH from same source mixing all in one (Media with all brains)! as if a war of extermination of a living beings humans & animals though for having brain stem.
Such strokes might create a computer data loss or a virus while typing or writing on this site, I did face such while using mobile a cell phone. What about a human brain that also has electric within brain cells. Danger Life.
This type of electro-magnetic radiation field killing us all like. All has to have patient on each others. The question is, is it about me or not? How should I know? Maybe they don't want me to expose any secret! But it's my human rights after all. All are a waste of time, creating sins & mistakes to them selves to carry on with till last moment in their lives. God is best judge.
I'm feeling I can't do any type of business due to Sky
Nets you know. All are God's. I wish I can help! I'm in
I am a civilian that has so much broken bones in my body that hurts in winter other than what satellites can do. What else to say! God to help. I am a good person & wanting to stay like this for ever. I been trapped so many times, finally I decided to stay home alone even though under so much pressure from above & surroundings.
I never was in the Army due to broken bones & lonely to parents. I hate politics & don't like any to force me to any of it even from TV or Satellites. All played a lot with me & people trapped me much, wasted my life time for their fun. Believe it or not, I got nothing to do with the above in the space. Voodoo wheel in the sky. I am a peace full person that cared a lot for peace & wanting to have my normal life back. You know I had much from all, shame & pain to remain in my brain memories about all. Like to stay clean always. Good human is peace in any country. But some say's stupid.
I like National Security. Not wanting War & worked so hard for Peace by studding Encarta Encyclopedia during these years while under so much attack. Seek so much information's from every where almost to prove that we all are families & not supposed to trap each others & all to respect a Human. One thing for sure, I am a human. What about you? This what's all about. It's like that. I hate my self when I make mistakes or to be fooled by any! That also hurts
Who don't have past or history? Are we living to kill each another's or to live with peace? Jesus didn't have any sin or mistake & what they did to him? That was also history. Memories to recall. This much it is, painful life & danger. God to help us all
If we think about it! All are guilty since the day it started. How can I trust any once the above is Satan in the space trapping us all! Slave ring us all even while we are home alone! Judging our dreams, memories & our thinking for tomorrow as well. Expendable Assets.
I hate terror activities, I don't belong to any of it & over my dead body. I love God & Peace. All religions & all nationalities. Don't want to hate any. Not all people are good. That what scares me a lot once all acting as God or Satan. I'm not God to judge & non should be. NASA Package: "Rain Brain Scan, Dynamic Eyes & Tele-Transport" is breaking God's law of creation, history, believes & faith. Full of viruses. Living in DANGER. My peace mission is accomplished. I used to say: case is closed since the day it started. Satellites above is still active. You know, that Mixed Umbrella.
Hey earthen people, happy birthday to you all:
Guess what! There have to be middle class people. Upper ones & bellower once s well. The middle ones serve both & serves own selves. We all are humans! Why war once there are understandings? Why not to care for all standards? Once all serving all!
This is how God wants us to go on with! What is going on? Standards are there in almost everything! Within, there are good & bad! Which are you from? A self human respect is a national security believe it or not. God remains the Greatest.
Some people are so much naughty not to have patience & yet to freak around & to waste time of all & of everything! A human life time is less than a million hours. Life is too short for any of us! Actually we all are suffering. What bla bla would help, once there are no actions taken? Where ever I lay my hate that's my home.
Stop using human brains & stop judging human brains NASA PACKAGE. God only can do that shit brains. At first there was GOD. I am a human.
Who any of living beings can be God or to judge on human brains? What about the real God? So much angry on all. Umbrella of viruses goes to hell shit brains. Stop supporting shit wastage. Religion people are suffering from this wastage. Our brains giving us all pain to remain due to electro magnetic radiation field! Brains in mixers.
Who is forcing us to civil war? We all under attack already shit brains of apes. Brain sharing is a trap for everybody. We all are sick & all are guilty to live in Satan life & all our life standard is in danger. God to help us all to over come. Stop blaming brains & stop speaking or whispering much shit apes. Everything is in danger "history & memories to remain".
God bless you all. I am a human still learning.
Best advice to all that I can give:
What's up duck? An advice to those who are suffering from above rays, waves, viruses, cancers, scans, micro oven rays & intruders:
The best is a wooden as in
Or covering the ceilings & walls with aluminum pads first then wood boards above to stop what mentioned above from approaching to any living body. Mirror windows are also helpful.
Safety houses for better future & better brains & health. Electro magnetic field still active "tree of viruses" between brains even in the streets due to whispers & thinking, many of us to build tree of peace with God & yet to advice many. 1) Only God to judge a human brain. We all are families in all over the world. Our bodies also having electro magnetic inner running field. We are in a radiation field due to Umbrella above us caused by satellites or by U.F.O energy purest above us as shown in the clip.
We don’t need stokes or strikes even from above "Boom Boom". Voodoo wheel in the sky keeps on turning "a hacking & life corrupting satellite that has zoom with rays" those who miss use such technology in the space called what? 2) Only God to judge a human brain. Sound matching mixing with media TV. Broad casting with viruses even indoor also another problem for many families. Where is home "it's only a suffering house" or home land of no where? Satanic network satellites broad casting between countries makes what? Umbrella of what? Do they care for any of us? Michel Jackson song "They don't care about us."Trappers & wasters they are." 3) Only God to judge a human brain & brains! No one to judge any please or there will be no God for tomorrow. What! All wants to be Gods? Families, teach your children what this means instead of wondering or questioning & loosing control over your children & families. A self respect is a national security & even world wide, once there is such umbrella. It hurts once there is no privacy or secrecy "a brain that all other brains shares while media shares & also gives comments" How to feel home?
All are guilty in this way. God remains best Judge for ever. Non of any judges can judge or act as God because it is a terror activity after all. A human life cant still reach to a million hours! Stop shortening a human life time due to above mentioned.
There is no tomorrow without forgiveness "Nilsson Mandela said" but memories remains due to such above mentioned. Stop digging in our memories. God who forgives. Life time going on waste & loosing chances in life due to such above mentioned. Aren't this danger? Hunters always there! What a jungle life.
Be aware from Satan & satanic & always be with God who created the entire universe. Haven better than hell. World wide peace & God is the umbrella. We all living in one planet called earth. Why war & corruptions at this time of our life? Are we humans or not?
God bless you all. I am a human still learning same as
any of you & I feel such rays since long time & still as now as if
targeted for extermination! For what all of this shit still going on? I'm in
By: Nabil Zegord Konz Kurt Polaski
Updated till 2013